9 Women Reveal What They're REALLY Thinking When They Sit On Your Face
Let's face it: some sex positions are far more graceful than others.

A fine example of such a gloriously awkward position during sex is face-sitting. Obviously, we like sitting on his face because it's basically all about us, isn't it? But still, there's a whole lot going on that can distract us or make us get lost in our own head. Can he breathe? Are we crushing him? Do we taste and smell good down there? What if we fart? Oh, and look at the dust on that window shade!
We joke, but not really. There's a whole lot getting in the way of our good time during face-sitting. We chatted with a bunch of ladies and they told us exactly what they are thinking while in this oral sex position. Spoiler alert: Not a lot of it is about how good the cunnilingus feels!
1. How do I do this again?
"This is honestly awkward as hell. What do I do with my hands? What if I squish his face? What if I FART in his face? Is it acceptable to text while up here?"
2. Can he breathe?
"This is it. He can't breathe. I'm going to jail for killing this man. Is that a cobweb on the ceiling?"
3. Did I remember to dust?
"Sometimes, I see dust on my wall behind my bed and for maybe 2 to 3 seconds I think about trying to remember to get back to it after and clean it. Of course, I forget."
4. Should I close the window?
"Sh*t, are the windows open? Because the neighbors are going to think he’s killing me?"
5. Is there a mirror around?
"Am I gonna suffocate him? Do I look fat from this angle?"
6. Is he having fun right now?
"I hope I'm not putting too much weight on him... seriously, suffocating him would be bad. Does he really think this is sexy?"
7. I feel so powerful.
"I'm so sexy and powerful and can smother him at any giving moment! The control one can have just by sitting on his face makes me smile."
8. He needs a shave.
"God, I hope his beard doesn't scratch my vagina lips up! Seriously, I worry about that — the whiskers can cause irritation, especially when you're moving them back and forth!"
9. What if I get rug burn?
"I'm thinking of facial hair burn, tongue or no tongue! I'm also wondering how long can he hold his breath or if he's breathing through his nose because I love to sit on a face and take my time."