10 Reasons Why Mark Zuckerberg Is The Sexiest Man ALIVE

He's not just for sapiosexials anymore ...

10 Reasons Why Mark Zuckerberg Is The Sexiest Man ALIVE weheartit

Ever had one of those nights when you're feeling so low you're ready to shut the blinds and sit in the dark for some unreasonably dramatic period of time, and then suddenly someone cracks on their flashlight right next to you and offers a smile that lights up your whole world anew?

I happened to have one of those myself this very night — pinky swear it's the truth! — and it was far from the first time that smile arrived via an unexpected connection with an old friend ... on Facebook.


Which made me think, I'm a pretty lucky gal that Mark Zuckerberg created this whole Facebook thing in the first place.

So many people are quick to complain about the evils of social media these days, but I feel like these virtual networks provide an invaluable service to all of us.

If Facebook didn't exist, I wouldn't be in touch with the little girl whose house I used to ride my bike to when I was kid (back in the day when little kids could do that). If Facebook didn't exist, I wouldn't have been able to have the MOST-FUN-EVER slumber party with my friends from middle school (which back in my day was actually junior high) as a group of 30-something moms and professionals. Seriously, we did that, and it was hysterical and wonderful and I highly recommend you have your own.


And nothing in the world compares to seeing a notification that your 13-year-old child "liked" your post. I mean, NOTHING.

Then I also got to thinking, that Zuckerberg fellow has transformed over the last few years into a rather handsome and intriguing kind of guy.

He still has the hoodies, but the young computer geek punk from Harvard has evolved.



He's a man. And a HOT one, to boot!

Sure, you might say to yourself, hot in a sapiosexuals-only kind of way, but take another look. Mark Zuckerberg is a legit sexy dude.

And so, in gratitude for the way Facebook has changed the quality of my life for the better, and as I therefore assume it must have done the same for others, I hereby bestow the 'Sexiest Man Alive' award to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, without whom Facebook, and let's be honest, social media as we know it, wouldn't exist — and all of our lives would be smaller and lonelier, whether we want to admit it or not. 

In case you still aren't clear about how amazing this dude is, here are 10 reasons Mark Zuckerberg hands down deserves the title of Sexiest Man ALIVE.


1. There is nothing more attractive than a guy who loves kids, and Zuck totally adores baby Max.


2. He seriously loves his wife. Just look at the way he looks at her! Total smitten-kitten.



3. He's an amazingly good sport.


4. He's building our future — and having fun with it!



5. He's a hands-on kind of dude — as evidenced by his self-effacing willingness to jump into the uncomfortable fun of the ALS "Ice Bucket Challenge."


6. He gets adorably star-struck. (And look at that dimple!!)



7. His style is timeless ... and he doesn't care what you think about it anyway.


8. And he looks even better without the hoodie (plus, that dimple again — c'mon!).



9. He's ahead of the technology curve in ways we can't even begin to understand yet — and every woman knows that NOTHING is as sexy as a man who is that magical combination of genius-rebel-for-a-good-cause-risk-taker who follows his own lead and paves the way to a brighter future. Not an easy bill to fill, and man, does he ever!



10. He is helping make the world a better place (especially for dog lovers).
