13 Signs You Pretty Much Just HATE People
Can't live with them, CAN live without them.

By Nicole Yi
Does the thought of getting up in the morning and having to deal with people sound like your worst nightmare? Is Janice Ian basically your soulmate?
If so, you're not alone. Some people are just not meant to be in large crowds... or in rooms with others at all. We get it.
If you're not a people person, the following 13 signs might sound all too familiar to you.
1. You decline any invites that require socializing.
2. You're surprised your eyes are still in your actual head after rolling them so much.
3. Parties aren't really your thing.
4. This is your most used phrase:
5. You're totally fine with the idea of being alone forever.
6. You're not afraid to offend people.
7. "No judgment" doesn't apply to you.
8. Your worst qualities come out in large crowds.
9. You've changed directions just to avoid interacting with people.
13. Your favorite people are me, myself, and I.