7 Adorably Creative Ways To Say 'I Love You'
No words necessary.

Hearing the words “I love you” can send shivers down our spines. The feeling is transformative—well, that’s if you actually love the person back.
If you do, there are many innovative ways to share your amor. Whether it’s your anniversary or you want to shower your bae with love just ‘cause, actions always speak louder than words.
If you're hoping to amp the romance factor in your relationship, here are seven creative ways to tell someone you love them, without actually saying it.
1. Post-It with a note.
And we mean an actual Post-It! A really cute way to express your love is by taking pink Post-It notes and sticking them on your bathroom mirror in the shape of a heart. Do this right before your sweetheart wakes up, so they're greeted with your amor in the morning.
Want to go the extra mile? On each note, share one thing that you love about your boo.
2. A wall of cards.
If you and your partner usually gift each other with greeting cards, sift through them, choose the most sentimental of the bunch, and frame them. You can frame each individual card or buy a bigger frame and put up a few. Your wall of cards not only serves as a great reminder of your love (especially when times get tough) but it also makes for pretty wall décor.
3. Make a mix tape.
It’s 2016, so perhaps it’s best to create a mixed playlist. Gather songs that express your love and mean something to your relationship.
Some ideas: the song you first danced to, the one you often sing together when being silly, or a tune from the first concert you attended as a couple. Create this mix tape of melodies and play it on a random day during some much-needed quality time.
4. Put together a video homage.
If you’re extra tech savvy, surprise your mate with a video homage of great moments in your relationship. Take video with your phone and edit it with iMovie (or any other video editing app). When your love flick is complete, email it to your honey and watch their face beam with love, appreciation, and happiness.
5. Create a coupon book.
From a one-hour sensual massage to cooking their favorite meal, you really can’t go wrong with a homemade lovers coupon book.
Want to kick it up a notch? Add naughty images to the naughtiest of tasks that you’ve promised to provide. There won’t be any doubt that you love them — and then some!
6. Mail them a love letter.
Nowadays, all we receive in the mail is bills, bills, credit card offers, and bills. So how amazing would it be to write your sweetie a letter and actually mail it to them? They’ll be relieved to receive your snail mail. I mean, you took time out to write a letter and buy a stamp! Plus, it’s another piece of love to add to your wall of cards.
7. Visit that sentimental place.
Sometimes we need to be reminded of where it all began—and what better place than where you first said “I love you.”
Revisit that locale and tell your lover why you love them (and how much) again and again. Reminisce about that momentous occasion and how much you’ve grown as a couple since uttering those life-altering words.
Then go home, get naked, and show them your love all over again.