13 Things Men Think About While Having Doggy-Style Sex
We asked men for their candid thoughts on doggy-style and they didn't hold back.

A lot of people love doggy style. It's fun because it stimulates so many areas and also feels a little bit extra naughty. But it's also not the most elegant of sex positions and it leads to a whole lot of stuff going on in our brain.
Many women see doggy style as a bit controversial because it’s a position in which the man does not have to look at the woman's face.
"This creates a disconnect between the two partners and enables each of them to imagine they are having sex with someone else, if they choose to do so. That's why I always remind men to make sure they make women feel connected to them in this position in small ways," says sexpert, Scott Brown.
So what are men thinking during doggy style? We did a bit of research to get to the bottom (no pun intended!) of it all.
1. The vision of what is happening is all-consuming.
"[I'm] thinking about the sexual act happening on [my] penis and what [I] can visually see in front of [me], instead of thinking about the woman as a whole," says Brown.
2. They want the position to be intimate.
"When I'm doing doggystyle, I am always turning a girl's head around so that I can see her. I don't want her to think that just because we're doing this particular position that I am not there with her, focused on her, and wanting her to be having a good time," says Brown.
3. Eye contact is important.
"I will usually gently (or sometime aggressively, depending on the girl) grab her hair and turn her head towards me so I can see her and she can see me. Even if we connect eyes for only a few seconds and then she turns her head back to a forward position, at least we connected there and 'checked in' on each other," says Brown.
4. It's an odd view sometimes.
"Her butthole looks kinda weird... Is that a hemorrhoid?" says Brian Sloan, inventor of the Autoblow 2.
5. This is uncomfy.
"Where did I put those kneepads from seventh-grade street hockey?" says Billy Procida, a comedian and host of the Manwhore Podcast.
6. Should've done this earlier.
"Holy sh*t! I should have switched to one knee years ago!" says Procida.
7. "Netflix and chill" is on the mind.
"This would be a great way to watch Netflix — oh never mind, I just came..." says Procida.
8. Kinks are being revealed...
"Wow. She really, really likes having her hair pulled. I wonder if this part of a much, much larger issue," offers Tom Miller.
9. Lasting long isn't a possibility.
"I'm glad we started with her, because I'm only going to last like two more seconds doing it this way," says Miller.
10. Where is the mess going?
"I'm not going to last much longer. This is going to be a mess, I should ask her where she wants it," says Miller.
11. This isn't for the faint at heart.
"Maybe we should switch to lazy-on-the-side-sex. I really need to exercise more," says Miller.
12. The movement is particular.
"I wish she'd just stop moving. How many times would she have stepped on my feet if we were dancing? Maybe if I grab her hips harder. Yup. That did it," says Miller.
13. Imagination runs wild.
"From this angle, her lower back, hips and butt sorta look like an erect penis with her spine as the vein. This doesn't make me gay, does it? Oh, well back to work," says Miller.
Aly Walansky has written more than 700 articles for Yourtango on lifestyle topics. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.