13 Most Passive Aggressive Texts People Send (And What They Actually Mean)

We all know someone who responds with "K."

13 Phrases That PROVE You're A Passive-Aggressive Texter Getty Images

Texting is one of the most popular ways that people communicate with each other.

As with any communication style, texting has its own code of conduct and etiquette: you know not to call in response to a text (unless requested to do so) nor would you type IN ALL CAPS. You know to follow the protocol of texting or to suffer the consequences.

Similar to email, sometimes your meaning in a text is interpreted incorrectly and you've intentionally upset the person you were texting. You might be coming off as passive-aggressive without meaning to be.


How do you know if you're a passive-aggressive texter?

Luckily, Jimmy Kimmel gave a breakdown on passive-aggressiveness:

RELATED: How To Get Someone To Stop Texting You Immediately With One Reply

How do you know if you're coming off this way in your texts?


Here are the 13 most passive aggressive texts people send (and what they actually mean). 

1. Using a period

For example, if you respond to a question with, "Sure!" you seem excited and happy, but if you respond with "Sure." you seem like you're begrudgingly agreeing to something.

"Can you take me to the airport tomorrow morning?" "Sure."

This means that I'd rather do almost anything, including brushing my cat's teeth, than take you to the airport.


2. "Of course."

There's that nasty period again.

3. "K"

Using "K" means this isn't OK, but I'm going to pretend I'm cool with it.

"K" is the equivalent of a teenager rolling their eyes while they take out the garbage.

4. "Yup"

This means you're agreeing to do something, but are cursing the texter for not doing it themselves. "Could you get me some coffee?" "Yup" means, "I can, but you've got two legs. Why can't you get it for yourself?"

Don't confuse "Yup" with "Yep" — "Yep" is okay and has a certain jaunty air about it, whereas "Yup" has a slow burn revenge feel to it.

5. "Ha"

This means, "I get that you're trying to be funny, and have failed miserably. Keep your day job."


6. Any weird emoji

This just leads to confusing and ultimately frustrating the reader, especially in response to a direct question. 

RELATED: 6 Texts No One (Including You!) Should Ever Send

7. "Fine" or "It's fine"

It means the exact opposite.

8. "No worries"

This translates to, "I'm saying no worries, but what I actually mean is screw you. 

I won't say what I'm really feeling, but will hold it against you until I explode."

9. "Nevermind"

Enough said.

10. "IDK"

Texting this means you do know, but you don't feel like sharing right now.

11. "So..."


The reader better watch what they say in response or you're going to put them on blast.

12. "Whatever"

This means, "I'm not going to make the smallest effort to communicate with you."

13. You don't respond at all

By not answering, you can throw the person receiving the text into a confusion spiral, getting them to go through every possible interpretation of your text for hours and hours.

If you really want to be passive-aggressive, don't answer the question asked of you; instead, totally change the subject.

RELATED: The Psychological Reason We Obsessively Text People Who Ignore Us

Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or and her Instagram.
