9 Unattractive Things Men Often Do That Crush A Woman's Desire For Him

A woman's attraction to you just flew out the window.

Last updated on Jul 15, 2024

unattractive things men do to turn women off lesichkadesign, Povozniuk | Canva

Men have a lot of terms for what happens to their manhood for all the things we women do that are supposedly turn-offs. For example, you don't want to see me try to put on a pair of tights. Stockings with garters? I'm the hotness as I unfurl them over my thighs. Tights? Even if the result is cute, and is just a battle of strange positions and odd grunts, none of them remotely hot, I will never let a man I want to be with witness me putting on tights. But guess what? There are things you do that aren't so hot, either. 


Here are 9 unattractive things men do that crush a woman's attraction to them:

1. They quote their mom

I might like her, but the second you start a sentence with "My mom said..." as any kind of authoritative statement, my lady parts wilt like a tired (though once-spectacular) flower.

9 Unattractive Things Men Do That Make Me Want TO DIE Pexels / Keira Burton


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2. They let me win all the time

I'm not a three-year-old playing Candyland; I'm a grown woman who likes the frisson offered by a good argument, and your stubbornness and occasional bullheaded-ness. It's hot. Maybe someone out there wants a milquetoast, but I much prefer an everything bagel.

3. They don't know when to let me win

Fine, I'm a complicated woman and sometimes you need to know that when you ask Siri to settle our argument about whether it's Istanbul or Constantinople, it's lame. Sometimes, you must know when to give it up if you ever want me to give it up again.

9 Unattractive Things Men Do That Make Me Want TO DIE Pexels / RDNE Stock project


4. They sign their emails like a middle school girl

I once had a crush who signed an email "toodles." Note I said, I once had a crush. Toodles, libido!

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5. Their failure to decide leaves me starving — literally

If I ask you what should we eat, it means that I want you to decide. Because if I knew I wanted Thai, you can be sure I would've told you. Feed me, maybe even order for me. The way to my heart, and probably into my pants, is through my stomach. (Just don't overdo it  bloated intimacy isn't a good look for me.)

6. They're way too cutesy

If you can tell me a dirty story in emoji, well, we might have something. (Probably being intimate.) But if you have hearts and stars and dancing ladies everywhere without an erotic throughline, all my lips are sealed ... and not around any of your key parts.


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7. They offer too much commentary on my outfit

You're not Tim Gunn. Tim Gunn is a gorgeous gay angel and can talk about my ensemble with specificity and authority. You're just a guy  a guy I usually want to bang until you say, "Oh, I love the way the gold thread in that scarf picks up the one in your tweed mini." I want guttural noises, and at most a "God, you look hot." Save your sartorial commentary for when I want you to rag on some other girl's outfit.

8. Their cleanliness is creepy

You can pick up your socks, but if you fold them or iron your jeans, it's creepy. And if you're evaluating my cleaning skills, forget it. Say you comment that something needs a good dusting. Well, the next thing to collect dust will be your private parts because it's staying right where it is.

9. They like me a little too much

Yeah, we women are horrible. We want you to like us, we do, but the second you're overly showy with your devotion, we find you kind of sad. It's a tough dance we make you do, but it's more likely to turn into the forbidden one if you don't overdo the outright admiration.


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B.A. Marvell is a contributor to YourTango who writes on love and relationships.