Winter Is Coming: 10 Fun Ways To Stay Sane (And Warm!)
From getting creative, to getting... drunk, we've got you covered.

By Katrina Southerland
Impending snow doom? No problem. Embrace your inner homebody with these 10 snow day activities. From getting creative, to getting... drunk, we have got you covered.
Kick back with a spiked hot chocolate, some BFFs, and forget all about the miserable weather. Who knows? You might even enjoy it.
1. Start an Instagram photo project.
Ever look at your Instagram profile and wonder what on Earth you could do with your digital photo albums? Why not incorporate them into a project to keep you occupied while you're snowed in?
Frame your Instagram photos to hang on your wall, make greeting cards, or make them into magnets to put on your refrigerator. Use this time to get creative! Check out the different ways you can use your photos here.
2. Spike your hot chocolate.
Curl up with a cup of decadent hot chocolate as the snow piles up outside, but don't forget to spice it up. Add some cinnamon, nutmeg, or even drop a peppermint disk and let it melt for a minty rush. And, obviously, the Baileys Irish Cream.
3. Clean out your closet.
See all of those summer clothes sitting in your closet right now? What about those sweaters you keep telling yourself you will get rid of? Now is a better time than ever to go through your wardrobe and discard what you no longer wear.
4. Cleaning isn't just for your closet...
Don't just limit your organizing to your closet! Being trapped indoors is a great opportunity to go through desks, makeup drawers, cabinets, and get rid of anything you no longer need. You will feel a lot more organized once the snow lets up.
5. Write a letter.
Curl up with a blanket and hot chocolate and work on your correspondences! Thank a friend for something nice they have done for you lately, or just write a friendly letter to say hello. Trust us, a hand-written note goes a long way in these digital times.
6. Taxes.
As the saying goes, nothing is certain but death and taxes. Now is as good a time as any to start! (But try not to sob about them to your dad over the phone this year.)
7. Oscar movie marathon.
Ready for the Oscars? Get in the mood by having a good ol' #OMM — that's Oscar Movie Marathon! See for yourself why these stars and films were nominated.
8. Redecorate your room.
Channel your creative energy into redesigning your room! Decorate wall outlets, mirrors, or put up hooks to display your bags.
9. Knit a winter accessory.
Knit yourself a hat or scarf to wear when the weather actually becomes bearable outside. Grab some chunky yarn, knitting needles, and a blanket to keep yourself warm, and begin!
10. Have an old school slumber party.
Friends stranded at your place for the blizzard? Why not have a good old fashioned sleepover? Bring out the face masks, nail polish, and raw cookie dough. Kick back, play a game of truth or dare, and let the gossip commence!