Terrifying New App Lets You "Rate" People, Ala "Yelp For Humans"

Now you can shit talk everyone you know.

new app weheartit

Hopefully you get along with everyone you know or have ever known, because an app is about to be released where people can rate you ... whether you like it or not. And good luck to you if like staying off the grid.

Everyone join me in a simultaneous "what the actual f*ck?"

The app is called Peeple and is set to be released in November. Co-creators Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough wanted to create an app that would act as a real-life Yelp for humans, all while (probably) destroying lives.


So, how does it work? Using your Facebook account, you can rate anyone you want. You must confirm how you know the person (personal, professional, or romantic), and must also use the person's phone number to add them into the Peeple system.

All positive ratings show up immediately, while negative ratings are submitted for review. I wonder why? And although the co-founders say the app won't tolerate bullying, sexism, shaming, or revealing private information, what's to stop people from trying?

Cordray plays into the importance of "showcasing" who you are online, while McCullough appeals to families, saying that you don't always know who your neighbors are; thus, she wanted to create some kind of outlet to find out who she can/can't trust with her kids.


That's great, but is it REALLY that hard to do a background search on the Internet — where there's endless information and unlimited public documents? And if you want to show off your character, go on LinkedIn. It seems logical, right?

Cordray says, "People do so much research when they buy a car or make those kinds of decisions. Why not do the same kind of research on other aspects of your life?" Oh, I don't know, maybe because we aren't teenagers with low self-esteem that take to the internet to attack those around them?

Cordray continues, "As two empathetic, female entrepreneurs in the tech space, we want to spread love and positivity. We want to operate with thoughtfulness." She clearly doesn't know the meaning of "empathy" or "positivity," as she and her partner have created something that promotes judgment and downplays consent.

Really, this all just seems like a bunch of bullsh*t, and an excuse to profit off of people sh*t talking everyone around them.


That delivery guy who didn't make eye contact with you? Rate him a 1 with a scathing review. The ex-boyfriend you haven't seen since you broke up? Is there even an option for a 0? Your own mother? Give her at *least* a 2 she did give birth to you, after all.

I'd like to know what the actual point is. To make it easier to subject everyone to public scrutiny? I think we all get enough of that in real life instead of the internet; and we know how horrible people on the internet can be.

If you really have a problem with the people you know, why not act like a decent human being and tell them to their face? I'm sure they'd appreciate you being straight up instead of rating them passive-aggressively. Or better yet, let go of the f*cking past and do something productive with your life.

Hopefully the app won't be very successful, but for now just keep my name out of your damn mouth, thanks.
