
The Easiest Thing You Can Do To Be Happier (Starting Tonight!)

daisies in hair sleeping

Time to wake up for a dose of reality, sleeping beauties. According to new research, there's more to sleeping than getting the required eight-hour fix.

A study, conducted by Binghamton University, found that not only should you be getting an ample amount of sleep, but you should also be slumbering at the proper times of day.

Why, you may ask? Well, after surveying 100 people, the research revealed that those with irregular sleep hours woke up a little dismantled and on the cranky side (shocker!). But more specifically, those with the sleeping habits of vampires were more likely to wake up with a negative attitude.

I don't know about you all, but this definitely shines new light on Edward Cullen's RBF (resting b*tch face).

Anyways, the lead author of the study, Jacob Nota points out getting sleep at the right time of day "may be an inexpensive and easily disseminable intervention for individuals who are bothered by intrusive thoughts."

I have to agree, it's truly a small price to pay for a little extra happiness in your life. At the end of the day that's all any of us could ask for, you know?

So tonight, do your body and mood a favor and re-program your sleep schedule so you're hitting the sack a little earlier. Facebook and Netflix will still be there when you wake up.