
Guess What? Rushing Into Bed Will Kill Your Love Life

For some reason, sex seems to be the first thing people worry about when it comes to relationships. There definitely used to be a time when people waited and didn’t feel pressured to rush things. With today's hookup culture, it's almost as if most people care less about making a connection and more about the superficial. Where did this sudden change come in, exactly?

We couldn't agree more with relationship expert Janet Ong Zimmerman when she mentions why having sex before you're ready will only lead to heartache. Wanting to take things slow does not make you a prude; it just means that you want to protect that intimacy and make sure that it's special. Don't worry, it's not just you. Even though this really shouldn't be the case, there are plenty of people who are afraid that if they aren't immediately intimate with their partners, they will lose interest in them and move on. But the problem with this is that although you may be pleasing your partner, you'll only end up feeling worse. You have to be firm in your decision. The only way to do that is to dictate the tempo of your relationship. Having sex early will give strengthen your physical connection BUT will destroy the emotional connection between you and your partner.