10 VERY Honest People Reveal Their Unfiltered Thoughts On Pubic Hair

Let's. Talk. Bushes!

full bush brazilian weheartit

We have hair on our body for a reason. When you think about where you have the most hair, it makes sense, especially pubic hair. Although it may not be the most attractive of hair clumps, it does serve a purpose. What is that purpose? A nice little cushion to protect against all that bumping and grinding, but people still remove it.

In fact, ladies have removed this hair for centuries. Women as far back as 3000 BC shaved their pubic hair to keep things nice and clean and free from lice. Other cultures and religions that deem a woman's vagina dirty and unruly considered the removal of pubic hair a necessary part of proper hygiene.


In modern day, where bathing and soap are pretty much standard in maintaining good hygiene, pubic hair removal has become more of an aesthetic thing.

Going bald eagle via the infamous Brazilian wax seemed to be the norm, whether it was the porn industry making naked vulvas all the rage, or women finding it a pain to groom a full bush. Now, things are swinging back the other way.

A survey found that 51 percent of ladies are letting things go wild down there without any styling or grooming and are getting a full bush Brazilian.



In addition to this fascinating news, according to women, 62 percent claim their partner loves a full bush. Hello? 1977? Is that you knocking at our door?

Celebrities are also going on record praising a natural look in the nether region. Cameron Diaz wrote in The Body Book, "Women undergoing laser hair removal on all of their lady bits. Personally, I think permanent laser hair removal sounds like a crazy idea. Also, let's be honest: just like every other part of your body, your labia is not immune to gravity. Do you really want a hairless vagina for the rest of your life?"

Food for thought, no? If Diaz, along with Lady Gaga, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Solange, just to name a few, are keeping their Downtown Browns, what about the rest of us? What are all us average ladies on the street doing, and what do men think about it? 

1. It's all about the hygiene.


"I'm completely bare, waxed. Never had a guy tell me he preferred it either way. I just like the feeling, plus it feels more hygienic." —Sarah, 32

"I had Brazilian laser hair removal. I like not having all that hair down there because feels cleaner that way." —Mieko, 36

2. Just say "no" to full-on nakedness.



"I shave along the bikini line and trim when necessary." Becky, 29

"I'm a minimalist. I can't do completely bare, though." —Tara, 30

"I shave my bikini line and keep the rest pretty short. It's easier that way when you have sensitive skin." —Chandra, 32

3. Hair, hair, everywhere.

"I don't do anything to mine. If it weren't for society giving me sh*t I would literally never think about it. My man likes it because he was conceived in the '70s." —Jamie, 28

4. And how do guys feel about women's pubic hair?



"There was a guy who basically insisted that waxing was the only way to go. I acquiesced, but only if he paid for it (which he did). It never bothered me to do it if I didn't have to pay for it because I didn't care enough about how it looked. When my current man and I got together, I was back to just trimming and he never said anything. When I was making beauty appointments for the wedding I asked if I should get a Brazilian wax and he wrinkled his nose and said, 'Ouch. No. Do it if you want, but don't do it for me.'" Colleen, 29

"If pubic hair is too long, it feels like a scouring pad on the tongue. Keeping it on the short end works for me." —Aaron, 30

"I prefer bald or very little hair. First, I like the way it looks, but mostly, I love to feel the softness of the skin without any hair." —Alexander, 27

"I've never been with a woman who has much hair down there. I think, because of that, I'm fascinated by the thought of being with a woman who has a crazy, full bush. It might be hard to find things, but no guy in their right mind would complain about body hair when they have a chance to be intimate with one of the woman folk!" —Damien, 31


Perhaps the rise in keeping things au natural is only in the celebrity world. Based on the feedback we got, the majority of women are still doing something to their hair down there... and most men like what women are doing.

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