Man Faked His Death To Avoid His Wedding
Maybe he could've just cancelled?

August 15, 2014 would have been Alex Lancaster's wedding day — if her fiancé hadn't faked his own death.
Lancaster, 23, of the United Kingdom, reportedly met Tucker Blandford, also 23, in August 2012, when she was attending college in Connecticut. The two fell quickly in love.
"He was such a gentleman. He showered me with jewelry. We would go out for a posh dinner on the tenth of every month to celebrate the day we got together," Lancaster said, according to the Mirror. "I'd never been in love like that before. I met his family and they treated me like a daughter. His mum and I became so close."
Lancaster feared their good thing would come to an end when she returned home, so when Blandford proposed marriage, she was eager to say yes.
The two talked every day and started planning a wedding in Connecticut. Lancaster said she spent money on a dress, invitations and for flights for Blandford so he could see her in the U.K.
Things changed a few months ago, when she got a call from a man who said he was Blandford’s father.
“He told me Tucker had been deeply depressed and wanted to die, so had thrown himself in front of a car,” she said, according to Yahoo! News UK. “The man explained that they had been trying to send Tucker off to a psychiatric unit for help. But it was too late. I couldn’t breathe. It was absolutely devastating.”
She got off the phone emotionally shattered, but things took a weird turn when she called the family back a short time later.
Blandford’s mom answered the phone, but had no clue that her son had died. In fact, he was alive and well.
“She said Tucker was absolutely fine but she also thought we’d split up,” Lancaster told “She knew nothing about the wedding.”
Lancaster quickly discovered that the venue they had supposedly reserved for their wedding had no record of their booking.
Although Blandford has since texted to say he was sorry, and has paid back half the $1,200 he owes her for wedding-related expenses, Lancaster refuses any contact.
“I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him,” she said, according to “To pretend to be dead to get out of marrying me is just gutless. If he loved me, how could he do such a thing?”
Blandford admits Lancaster’s allegations are true.
“I’m a terrible, awful person. I know I shouldn’t have told her I was dead, but I didn’t know what else to do,” he said, according to the Daily Mail. “Alex is an amazing girl but I got scared and wanted to get out of the relationship. It was moving extremely fast and with us being in different countries, it was really hard.
“At the time I just felt like I couldn’t tell the truth and thought if I could just postpone everything it would be better.”
Ironically, Lancaster’s loss of love led her to a new career. She is now building a successful business making wedding favors, according to the Mirror.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted on August 14, 2014 and was updated with the latest information.