Scandalous Celebrity Sex Quotes
Here we go again!

Ov vey, celebs. What are we to do with you when you get saucy? Run with it, of course! Tom Ford has a very firm opinion on Rihanna, and RiRi herself has been quite naughty. Read on to find out what the celebs had to say this week.
1."Something new is happening that I'm just clueing into now—this probably won't go down well—but customers don't care any more about reviews or hard-copy publications They care what picture Rihanna just Instagrammed while she's naked in bed, what new shoes she has on, how she's talking about them. That's what they respond to." - Tom Ford to
2."Do my t-ts bother you? They're covered in Swarovski crystals!" - Rihanna in response to the controversy over her see-through Adam Selman gown at the CFDA
3."Everyone was freaked out because I'm nude, but in real life, when I have sex, I'm naked I don't have a bra on, and I don't usually have panties on. So let's make a real movie! Let's bring truth to the scene!" - Shailene Woodley to New York Magazine in response to her nude scene in The Fault in Our Stars
4."Age can have more of an effect on men's bodies If you aren't aging successfully in [the sex] department, you could see it. I mean, you either get it up or you don't, right? And women don't have that problem." - Jane Fonda on Conan
5."I'll be honest with you Internet porn is pretty much keeping my relationship together." - Roger Mathews discussing relationship with fiancé JWoww on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars
6."Rihanna She fondled me at the MTV Awards and the American Music Awards. I love her. She's the best fondler ever." - Nicki Minaj on her idea woman to i-D.