It's Science: Sorry, Your Partner Knows When You're Faking It

Sorry, your Megan Ryan impression just isn't working in the bedroom.

awkward in bed

We get it. Sometimes sexy time between you and your partner isn't always a five star experience. Maybe it's because you and your partner are out of sync in other areas in your life and it's impacting how you interact in bed. Perhaps you're just tired and not fully committed to the act. Either way if you're faking pleasure it's more likely that your partner knows — and you just look like a phony. Yikes!


If you're convinced that you're just as good as Meg Ryan and can make a group of restaurant goers believe you climax just from eating a sandwich then you might be in over your head when you're having sex with your longtime partner. According to a new Canadian study, both men and women in committed relationships can equally tell if their partner is sexually satisfied.

The findings came from 84 heterosexual married or cohabiting couples who took a survey and were asked about their levels of sexual satisfaction — and their partners' pleasure levels. The couples' happiness, sexual communication and their overall ability to recognize emotion was also examined.


You may be skeptical because how does one examine the ability to recognize emotion? Well, there was a test where the subjects viewed photos of people's eyes and had to guess what emotion was being conveyed.

There's also good news for couples who struggle with sexual communication. The subjects who had trouble in this area showed a natural ability to reading emotion. The subjects who were aware of being good at communication were better at judging their partner's pleasure levels however.

So does this all mean that this ability is just an effect of doing the deed together for such a long time? Not exactly, the study found the ability to read your partner's pleasure level is just from a natural compatibility between you and your mate.

So the good news is that if your partner is able to call your bluff then you're compatible — but you should probably talk about why you're not really into it. The bad news is if your partner isn't picking up on your part-time acting gig then you might not be as compatible as you thought, and you need some extra communication.
