10 Motivational Books To Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
Improve yourself by quitting smoking, running a marathon or finding love.

Looking for a surefire way to achieve your New Year's resolutions? Start with a book! We've got the perfect books for popular self-improvement goals, from quitting smoking and running a marathon to finding love and getting along better with your family. Begin your "New Year, New You" journey with these great reads.
1. Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking
Quit smoking
Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking has been the bible on quitting since it was published almost 30 years ago. Pick up the book that has helped millions of ex-smokers kick the habit without the anguish.
For extra inspiration: Unhooked: How To Quit Anything, by Susan Shapiro and Frederick Woolverton
2. The 3-1-2-1 Diet
Lose weight
Admit it: Even on your strictest diet, you cheat a little bit, right? Unfortunately, after you've strayed from the path, it can be tough to stay motivated and stick to your plan. Don't despair: "The Biggest Loser" weight-loss guru Dolvett Quince has come up with a diet that will keep you motivated — without feeling deprived.
For extra inspiration: The Shift: How I Finally Lost Weight And Discovered A Happier Life, by Tory Johnson
3. Why Him? Why Her?
Find love
While there is no "cure all" for finding true love (just ask Shakespeare), Helen Fisher provides a useful and fascinating rubric for thinking about your future match by understanding your personality type.
For extra inspiration: The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion
4. Clark Howard's Living Large For The Long Haul
Save money
How's that bank account looking at the start of the year? OK, after you've recovered from your faint, check out Clark Howard's guide to meeting your long-term financial goals without living on rice and canned beans. It's not as scary as you think.
For extra inspiration: The Man Who Quit Money, by Mark Sundeen
5. Jump Ship
Get a job you love
Are you stuck in a job you don't love? Even if you dream about getting out, how can you be sure that quitting is a smart move? Josh Shipp helps you see the big picture and strategize about when and how to go after the job that's right for you.
For extra inspiration: The Cliff Walk: A Memoir Of A Job Lost And A Life Found, by Don J. Snyder
See the rest of the books over at Bookish: These Books Will Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
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By Nathan Rostron for Bookish