Why Guys Hate This Trendy Women's Haircut

Guys reveal how they really feel about a cropped cut.

chopping hair

Imagine a time before the VMAs when Miley Cyrus was making headlines for all the right reasons: her pixie cut. Though she wasn’t the first woman to do it (stars like Rihanna, Twiggy, Michelle Williams, Halle Berry and Ginnifer Goodwin have all owned the 'do long before the ex-Hannah Montana star staked her claim), Miley certainly held us all at attention with her cropped cut and gave it new breath. Now, Anne Hathaway, Emma Watson, Charlize Theron and most recently Beyonce have pledged their allegiance to the pixie – it's almost as much of a household name as "the Rachel."


Because the closely cropped chop is having such a moment for women, we decided to find out how guys are really feeling about the 'do. Turns out, for many of them, it's (unsurprisingly) a don't.

They aren't into trends:

"I'm not attracted to major changes and the trendiness of a pixie lends itself just to that," says Ryan, 29. Adding, "It looks too cool for me."

"I know that lots of celebrities are doing it, and while that might be very in style right now, in my opinion, 99 out of 100 girls look better with long hair," Raffie, 27, says.

"I think a pixie cut is cool for a week," says Steven, 22.

"I don't want my girl to look like Peter Pan," says Dino, 25.


"Anyone who wears it for more than week is for the most part less attractive in my humble, superficial opinion," says Jim, 28.

They like that you're trying to be different:

"A girl definitely gets brownie points for being different, but it's definitely a really hard look to pull off. I'm not sure I'm into it," says Phil, 27, "It's something radical and different."

It takes a certain type of woman to work it:


"I think it's hard to pull off, but if done on the right person then it can be cute," says Steven, 30.

"I would say its unattractive 90% of the time, but that 10% is damn sexy," says James, 26.

"Not anyone can pull it off. You have to have a face like Halle Berry for it to work," says Casey, 23, "You have to have a super pretty and skinny face with perfect features — then it's hot."

"It's great ... if you're a supermodel," says Jake, 26.

"On the right girl. Otherwise, she looks like a boy. No thanks," says Andrew, 28.

While I'm touched by the honesty and can appreciate a man's perspective, as a woman, I find the cut incredibly sexy and unmistakably feminine. Though most men can agree that the absence of long locks on a woman feels both boyish and brute, I think the pixie poof signifies something entirely different from a woman's perspective. So maybe the cropped cut is more for a woman than it will ever befor a man.


What do you think about pixie cuts? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.