Are Any Of Us Actually Happy With Our Sex Lives?

The short answer: no...well, sort of. Read on.

A Couple's Sex Life

When it comes to our sex lives, we’re not exactly dissatisfied—but almost all of us would like to make some improvements, according to a recent study from The survey of more than 1,500 people reveals that the majority of respondents wish they had more sex and better sex.

Nearly a third of respondents admitted that their sex lives need a "wakeup call," with 22 percent hoping to amp up "passion and intimacy," 23 percent hoping to learn how to "explore fantasies and role play," and 26 percent simply hoping to have better or more frequent sex. How frequent? The majority of respondents have sex once or twice per week but would like to have it 3+ times per week, according to survey results.


Contrary to the popular belief that a couple’s sex life fizzles the longer they are together, the survey data indicated the opposite—84 percent of respondents believe sex can get better over time.

The data was so eye-opening to the survey administrator, online adult sex toy retailer,, that it occurred to the owners that there was an immediate need for an easily-accessible adult sex education class. As a direct result, this week they will launch Passion & Pleasure, an 8-week online program, to "help couples keep the passion alive." The program will include video presentations, a "members-only forum," and live Q&A calls with world-renowned relationship experts and sexologists including Dr. Gabrielle Morrissey and Dr. Ava Cadell. And, just like real school, there will be homework in the form of "actionable playsheets."


"Our main goal has always been to entertain, educate and inspire couples by providing them relevant content and tools. This program will catapult what we can offer to an entirely new level and will vastly improve the lives of everyone who uses it,” says Malcom Day, owner of and managing director of Calvista, Australia’s largest sex toy distributor.

When the program launches, July 22, couples will be able to sign up for a one-week free trial. At the end of the trial, they can pay $347 or three payments of $127 to continue for the remaining 7 weeks, with a 14-day money back guarantee.

More juicy findings from’s sex survey:

-53 percent of respondents "almost always," "usually" or "sometimes" struggle with low desire to have sex before they start, but once they get it going 71 percent say they "rarely" or "never" have problems with lack of desire.


-The longest the majority of couples have gone without having sex was "2-3 weeks," however 12 percent of couples went "7 months or more" without doing it and 20 percent of couples lasted "a week...or less" without sex.

-67 percent of couples kiss multiple times during sex. Only 8 percent say that they kiss "rarely" while getting it on.

-Sexy-time varies across the board with nearly an equal split between couples reporting to have "daytime sex," "morning sex," sex "at night with the lights on," and "at night with the lights off."

-Eyes open or shut? Believe it or not most respondents have sex with their eyes open. 92 percent said they keep their eyes open always or sometimes, 6 percent "keep our eyes closed" and 2 percent "never have sex."


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