Cringe-Worthy Sex Advice From The 1960s

What a difference a handful of decades can make. From 'necking sessions' to 'heavy petting', even the lingo used in the 1960s to describe sex was uptight. Right around the time the country was experiencing a sexual revolution, there was still a portion of society left clutching their pearls and clinging to their old-fashioned sensibilities.
A sampling of the literature from that era provides a rare — and, quite frankly, hilarious — glimpse into a society torn between June Cleaver values and Woodstock rebellion. "Don't feel you must repay him," in kisses, of course, "for the Coke and hamburger he bought you." This was the kind of all-American wisdom being passed off as actual advice! Click over to TruTV's Dumb As A Blog to read through the rest of these ridiculous nuggets, and thank your lucky stars you no longer live in a country that would (unironically) publish a book called 'Charm For Young Women': The Dumbest Sex Advice From The 1960s
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