10 Signs He Likes You — But Only 'As A Friend'

You like him, but what if he doesn't 'like you' like you?

10 Signs He 'Likes' You But Only Sees You As A Friend Getty

By Aunt Becky

There's this totally awesome guy you know and you're really digging him. You just know that the two of you would make the most perfect couple ever. If only ...

The problem is that you're starting to suspect this man may not be digging you as more than a friend.

You're not sure of how to tell if this guy likes you and is a attracted to you but hiding it, or if simply sees you as just a friend or — gulp — one of the guys.


I mean, you'd make the most adorable couple, right?! But how do you know what he's thinking without going out on an incredibly delicate limb and straight-up asking him?

You feel pretty close to desperate to find some undeniable signs he's into you, too, and feels that same spark you feel — or to at least get some clarity that when he looks at you, he sees "friend" stamped all over your forehead.

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Here's how to know if he likes you likes you, or if signs say your crush — (even though he's so perfect!) — sees you as "just friends" and not the woman of his dreams.

10 signs he only sees you as a friend:

1. He has all sorts of pet names for you, but ...

They're the wrong kind.

They're not "baby doll," or "sweetheart."

No, they're "dude," "yo," "bro," or "(your last name)."

2. He rarely calls or texts you first.

You're doing the heavy lifting for the friendship. He'll respond if you get in touch, but he doesn't call "just because."

3. He doesn't flirt with you in public.

He may get cute with you when you're alone together, but when you're out he shows no signs of flirting.


Unless you're standing by your best friend, that is. And he's actually flirting with her.

4. He talks about other women.

He can't stop telling you about this chick he's totally digging.

And it's not because he wants you to feel jealous.

RELATED: 25 Things Men Say All The Time (And What They Really Mean)

5. He'll swing by your place ...

But only to borrow your Prison Break DVDs and a couple of sodas.

And may some food from the fridge.

6. He looks at his phone more often than he looks at you.

When you're out alone, he spends half the time texting other people.

And a whole lot of them are other women.

Pretty much all of them are other women.

7. He has a self-imposed curfew.

When you're out together without his buddies, he's always got to go home by a specific time.


Even though you know there's nothing going on at home.

RELATED: How To Really Know If A Guy Likes You (Without Him Saying A Word)

8. He rarely makes plans in advance.

He only commits to hanging out sometimes.

He doesn't seem to have a burning desire to see you.


9. You seldom go out just the two of you.

When you go somewhere together, it's almost always with him and the guys.

In fact, you've actually earned yourself the nickname "dude with boobs" among the entire crew.

10. He's totally supportive ...

Of you dating other guys.

When he sees other guys hitting on you, he even gives you a high five rather than a jealous stare.

RELATED: How To Tell If A Guy Likes You, Based On His Texts

Becky Sherrick Harks, better known as Aunt Becky, writes on love, dating and surviving parenthood for The Stir.