Five Ways To Look Beautiful In 2012
Are you still feeling the bulge after a very merry Christmas?

Does your skin look tired, dull and lifeless? If so, it’s time to recover from the festive period in style and revamp your looks for the New Year. We all like a mince pie or ten throughout December, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to improve your diet; hit the gym and check out facial toning procedures.
Here are five ways to look beautiful in 2012:
Get your beauty sleep
After several weeks of partying, it’s essential to turn out the lights early and get enough sleep. A lack of shut-eye can leave you with dark rings underneath your eyes, so be sure to hit the sack in good time. Christmas may have unsettled your sleeping pattern, but it’s wise to get yourself back into a routine as soon as possible as your body needs the chance to reboot and repair. Run a nice relaxing bath before turning in for the night and you should look and feel better in no time.
Pamper yourself
If you’re feeling a little worse for wear after a month of delicious food, drink and parties, why not take the time to pamper yourself? Check in for a chemical peel to help freshen up your skin and remember to moisturise on a daily basis. Exfoliate at least once a week to remove dead skin cells and put a few minutes aside to pluck your eyebrows. We all lead very busy lives, but try to find time in your busy schedule to look after your looks, after all, you deserve it!
Use makeup correctly
Makeup can hide a number of flaws, but it’s important to use it correctly. If you’re suffering from spotty post-Christmas skin, avoid using heavy foundation as this can block your pores further. Instead, opt for a tinted moisturiser and try to go bare-faced around the house. If you’ve dark circles under your eyes, mix a drop of foundation into your moisturiser and spread it lightly over the black areas. Use white eyeliner to open your eye and stay away from dark eye shadows as this will draw attention to your eye bags.
Hit the gym
If you’ve eaten one too many sweets, it’s time to hit the gym. A good workout should leave you feeling revitalised and will burn off some of those Christmas calories. OK, so you’ll have to hit the treadmill more than once to get rid of that spare tire, but surely 2012 is the ideal time to get in shape? A New Year symbolises a new start for many, so jump on the ‘get fit’ bandwagon and get in shape.
Dress to impress
Whether you’ve put on weight over Christmas, or not, always dress to impress. Don’t hide away in big, baggy clothes and instead wear items that flatter your shape. You don’t have to wear your finest attire every day of the week, but try to make an effort when possible. Putting on a pair of earrings, a new pair of boots or a smart jacket can really improve your appearance – so what you waiting for?