James Franco On His Hard To Watch Sex Tape

Apparently the actor’s own XXX home video brought up thoughts of his grandma?

Written on Aug 11, 2011

James Franco

Many women have fantasized about having sex with James Franco, but there's one lucky gal out there who actually got to watch herself do it.

Although, according to the movie star, she may be a little scarred from the experience!

When the Rise of the Planet of the Apes star appeared on Conan earlier this week, the conversation turned to, well, porn. As of late, the NYU grad has been working on directing a documentary about Kink.com, the world's biggest producer of porno flicks, and there's been a rumor circulating that Franco once made one of his own. How To Get Your Sexy On In A Sex Video


When Conan O'Brien brought up the alleged sex tape, Franco admitted when he was younger, "I got a video camera and my girlfriend and I decided to film ourselves. We watched it back and said yeah, let's never watch that again."

"I'll tell you what was wrong with it," Franco continued. "Those people in the pornos, they're great performers! They're not just doing it, they are selling it to an audience. Just like, you know, let's say my grandma can…"

And that's when Conan cut him off and basically tried to commit late night TV suicide to avoid hearing any more (the moment was actually pretty hilarious to watch).


We had a similar reaction. Just as we were about to delve into the image of what that sex tape must've looked like, Franco had to mention his grandma?! Gross! 10 Sex Tapes We Never Want To See

Hopefully the scenes he'll share with Heather Graham in the upcoming movie Cherry, about a lawyer's affair with a porn star, will bring back the sexy image of James Franco we had pre-grandma.

Did you ever try to make a sex tape? Was it fun or very hard to watch?

Photo credit: Getty