Angry Single Blogger: I Have 3 Vibrators On My Kitchen Table

Men have fewer problems with vibrators than we ladies thought, survey says. Either way, I love mine!

girl singing hairbrush

At this moment, I have three vibrators sitting on my kitchen table. This isn't because I'm a sex toy whore, but simply because I got them as free samples and I have yet to move them to my bedroom — where I have three more. When friends come over, or even my super stops by to fix something, I don't tuck them away and hide them like a dirty secret. They're still in their packages, and honestly, they never really cross my mind. For the time being, the kitchen table, which is also home to other random things, seems like the most appropriate place for them. I live in New York City, so I never use my kitchen table anyway.


Once deemed taboo, vibrators, as well as other sex toys, are now mainstream. Condom brands like Trojan and Durex have even made their own lines of vibrators, which you can find in your local pharmacy (well, if you live in NYC. Sound off and let me know how it is in your locale). Yes, long gone are the days of having to sneak off to a dark dungeon to find a battery-powered buddy. The Secret To Mutually Enjoyable Sex

Although vibrators are more common than ever, with half of all Americans using them and the U.S. being second in the world in terms of vibrator ownership — Taiwan being the first — women still seem to have this notion that their favorite sex toy is intimidating to their male partners. However, a new survey has debunked this theory.


Debra Herbenick, PhD, of Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion, recently conducted a survey of over 3,000 Americans between the ages of 18 and 60 to see how they felt about vibrators. While 37% of women thought the usage of them was "upsetting" or intimidating to their partners, of the men polled, 70% claimed they had zero problems with the buzzing shafts of fun. Looks like that TSA agent who left a note saying "GET YOUR FREAK ON GIRL" after finding a passenger's vibrator is in the minority.More Juicy Content From YourTango:

In other great news, in 2009, Indiana University also found that 45% of fellas admitted to using them, mostly as a means to please their partner. And why not? It's less work for the man and spices up your bedroom behavior. Additionally, the research found that "nearly half" of survey participants thought vibrator use was a healthy component of women's sex lives; and less than 10% strongly felt that using them would make women "too dependent on them for pleasure." Pfft. 9 Common Husband Behaviors That Drive Most Wives Up The Wall

The fact of the matter is that if a vibrator can successfully get you off and you enjoy it, then go forth, ladies (and gentlemen). If you know how to please yourself and your partner, and vibrators happen to be part of the equation in either scenario, there's no sense in being shy or ashamed about it. Perhaps it's time you take it out of the nightstand drawer and leave it out as a subtle hint. 

I mean, come on, we all have at least one. Right, ladies?
