Is Morgan Freeman Marrying His Step-Granddaughter?
The rumors of a romantic relationship with his step-granddaughter just won't die.

Morgan Freeman's divorce from his second wife of 26 years, Myrna Colley-Lee, became official in September 2010, and rumors immediately started circulating (thanks to the trusty old, National Enquirer) that he's getting ready to marry again…to his 27-year-old step-granddaughter, E'Dina Hines!
Adding fuel to the fire: The official reason behind the divorce was being kept quiet, as the terms of the split were sealed. Although Perez Hilton reported that Freeman was ordered to pay his ex-wife $400 million in cash and real estate after alleged affairs with a schoolteacher and his step-granddaughter.
According to the Enquirer, Freeman cheated on his now ex-wife with a number of women — E'Dina being one of them — and Freeman and E'Dina's affair began when when she was just a teenager.
But apparently now that he's no longer legally bound to another woman, the Oscar-winner has vowed to make a "decent" woman out of his step-granddaughter and father her children!
Freeman, exhausted of these alleged rumors, fired back in 2012 adamantly denying any romantic link to E'Dina: "The recent reports of any pending marriage or romantic relationship of me to anyone are defamatory fabrications from the tabloid media designed to sell papers. What is even more alarming is that these fabrications are now being picked up by the legitimate press as well."
E'Dina also issued a statement: "These stories about me and my grandfather are not only untrue, they are also hurtful to me and my family."