9 Fabulous Mother's Day Ideas

9 Mother's Day Ideas for all the fabulous moms out there.

mother daughter hugging flowers

If you're a mom, Mother's Day is your big day—the one day when no one can complain when you ask them to do something, and when you're (theoretically) not allowed to cook, do housework or otherwise exert yourself. Though we feel that mothers the world over should be actively honored every single day of the year—both for that whole pregnancy-and-labor thing, and because parenting is really hard—Mother's Day is as an extra-special reminder of your ongoing efforts, and we'd like to help you celebrate. So here are some fabulous ideas for your Mother's Day. Because, honestly? You're fab. 


1. Have them handle dinner for a change. There are those of us who truly love cooking. We love the zen of prep work. The smell of garlic on our fingers. The show of appreciation when a meal turns out well. But planning menus, going food shopping and spending hours in a hot kitchen can take a toll, especially when we're juggling a career and/or parenting responsibilities. We suggest asking the fam to take care of the dinner preparations for once (and no, a microwaveable Smart Ones meal does not count). Encourage them to whip up a meal together and serve you. Or have them take you to your favorite restaurant.


2. Get pampered. Ask your loved ones to treat you to a day at the spa. Couldn't you could use a massage? Who wouldn't want to loll about in a hot tub all day? Ask for one of those body wraps that sound like they were created using all of your favorite desserts and, while you're at it, get a manicure, a pedicure and a chic, new hairdo. Then, bask in the glow of the compliments you'll receive for looking so darn glam.

3. Get intimate. It's no secret that sex lives suffer once you start procreating. On this special occasion, make the effort to put your libido front and center. Ask your partner to give you an erotic massage. (If he doesn't know how to go about giving one, pick him up a copy of Erotic Massage.) Follow it up with other acts of intimacy. Sex can become a low priority, which is a shame. Not only does it feel fantastic, it's also a stress-buster! 

4. Relax. That's an order. Spend the day catching up on those fun and/or relaxing things you think about wistfully when you're changing loads of laundry or purchasing diapers in bulk. Curl up with a good book. Hide away with your phone and catch up with long-distance friends. Indulge in some Netflix Instant. Stretch out on the couch with a (generous) glass of wine. Put your regular activities—such as budget-balancing and housework—on hold. Your family will survive for one day.

5. Buy yourself a gift. You always end up buying something for the kids in lieu of yourself. On Mother's Day, have a guilt-free shopping spree. Bonus points if your family foots the bill.


6. Have money donated to your favorite charity. Do you really need a bunch of flowers that will die within the week? Or another piece of jewelry, or another box of chocolates or another one of that thing you get every year? Ask your family to take the money they would have spent on gifts and donate to a charity that you believe in.

7. Harness all of the love your family has for you with a love-themed evening of entertainment. Drag everyone out to a romantic comedy, like The Back-Up Plan with Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Laughlin, or Date Night with Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. If you have more money to burn, go to see live theater. If you prefer being the center of attention on this glorious day (your kids are going to hate us for this), have a family fun karaoke night. You and your man can sing a love duet that inspires your kids to... throw up.

8. Get matching mother/daughter tattoos. Hopefully, this is a love that will last forever. Why not commemorate that love with a tat that will also last forever? What? Haven't you seen that episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, where Kris Jenner decides to get her youngest daughters' names tattooed on her body? So sweet! (And permanent! And liberating?) 

9. Take a weekend getaway. Because one Sunday doesn't provide you with nearly enough time to celebrate, you should make a weekend out of it. Take your family on a weekend cruise, spend 48 hours sprawled out somewhere tropical or leave the kids with someone else and go on a wine tour with your man. Tired of the hubby? Say sayonara to the fam and go traveling with your girlfriends.


The most important thing for your family to remember, however, is to be there. To show how much they love and appreciate you. (To be at your every beck and call.) Because—in the chaos of day-to-day life—it can be easy to lose touch with each other.

What does your husband or boyfriend do for Mother's Day? And what's the best (or worst) Mother's Day gift you've received?

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