Did Ex Pics Flip Ryan Jenkins's Killer Switch?

A new theory emerges about the murder of Jasmine Fiore.


There are a lot of theories behind Playboy model Jasmine Fiore's murder last month, and all of them seem to center around her husband of only a few months, Ryan Jenkins.

Theory number one has it that Jenkins went from cocky and carefree to violent and unstable after Megan Hauserman rejected him from her VH1 gold-digger celebration series, Megan Wants a Millionaire. Fiore, who just happened to be the first woman Jenkins dated after his rejection, became the inevitable victim of his rage. VH1 Contestant Accused Of Murder Found Dead


Theory number two suggests that Jenkins may have snapped when he discovered that Fiore was texting her recent ex Robert Hasman on the night she was murdered. The texts, written while Fiore and Jenkins were at a poker tournament in San Diego, reportedly said that she was planning on flying to Vegas to meet Hasman. Text From Ex May Have Caused Jasmine Fiore Murder

Theory number three has it that Jenkins was destined to kill someone he dated, at some point. Long before he met Fiore, People and TMZ says he had a history of abusing women. And when Fiore entered his life, nothing changed. Police were reportedly called on at least one occasion because Jenkins was brutalizing her.


Theory number four, as reported to Radar, says that Ryan Jenkins suffered from sex addiction and that when he wanted sex and couldn't have it, he became violent. Perhaps Fiore was not in the mood on the night she died. Ryan Jenkins Suffered Sex Addiction

Finally, there is a theory number five, that just emerged this week. This theory suggests that Jenkins lost it when he came across photos taken four nights before Fiore's murder. In the photos, Fiore is seen without her wedding ring, celebrating the release of her ex-boyfriend Michael Cardosi from prison. Could those photos have been the final straw for Jenkins?

Good Morning America posed this question to Jenkins's little sister, Alena Jenkins. Her response: "I hold onto the thought that my brother couldn't possibly do this...I believe my brother is innocent."

Her brother, who killed himself just days after presumably murdering and mutilating Fiore, was accustomed to Fiore's party girl ways, Alena Jenkins says. "Apparently, Jasmine was a bit of a show-off. She would quite often expose her breasts in public areas just for fun."


Which theory do you think is behind Jasmine Fiore's murder? Or do you believe Alena Jenkins's assertion that her brother is innocent?

Photo courtesy of VH1

