2 Zodiac Signs Overcome Hardships & Experience Abundance Starting April 21, 2024

Trust in your ability to commit to what is best for yourself.

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On Sunday, April 21, asteroid Juno will station direct in Virgo, helping each zodiac sign regain confidence so that you can commit to creating abundance in your life. While Juno is most often connected with marriage, it also governs over legal themes, including contracts, negotiations, and agreements. While retrograde always serves an important part in deeper reflection and awareness, now that Juno is direct, you will feel more committed to saying yes to new agreements, job offers — or romantic prospects. This is precisely what will go into creating all you desire.


Juno in Virgo adopts the themes of this earth sign, bringing in practicality and thoroughness that can help you make a plan for abundance and follow through with it unwaveringly as you know you are moving in the direction you are destined to.

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Two zodiac signs who overcome hardships & experience abundance starting on April 21, 2024:

1. Taurus

Abundance Affirmation for Taurus: I deserve an abundance of happiness.

Your happiness matters as much as anything else that you are able to manifest in your life. While you may often focus your attention on setting up your life for comfort or luxury, you also need to ensure that everything that goes into it is a product of the joy you want to experience in life. Happiness is feeling at peace with your life and knowing that not only are all your needs provided for, but you are secure enough to live the life of your dreams. Because of this, happiness should always be the deciding factor in any choice that you make to feel that you are truly living an abundant life.


On Sunday, asteroid Juno will station directly in Virgo, prompting you to rededicate yourself to your happiness and inner joy. Juno governs over agreements and the choices that you make for your life, and in Virgo, there is a profound connection to your sense of joy and creativity. The energy of Juno direct in Virgo allows you to find greater clarity in the decisions you’re making in your life as well as feeling more confident to begin to prioritize your happiness. The wonderful aspect of this is that the happier you feel with yourself and life, the more you will attract greater abundance.

How Taurus can make the most of this energy: As Juno stations direct in Juno, it’s time to become more serious about what brings you the most joy and happiness. Whether this promotes a change in your career, home, or relationship status, you need to start honoring this important energy within your life. Open yourself up to believe you deserve more in life. Understand that when you start prioritizing your happiness, you also are in a place to make decisions more aligned with your soul and the universe. Committing to your happiness isn’t a flippant ideal but one that your entire life can be built upon.

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2. Sagittarius

Abundance Affirmation for Sagittarius: I am confident in creating a life of success.


It’s important for you to feel like you have achieved a certain level of success in your life. This is often found through creating abundance in both your career and finances, but you may have recently transformed how you think about these themes in your life. Suppose you are solely after more money or a higher role in your company for validation or recognition. In that case, you may be missing out on an incredible opportunity from the universe to do what you are meant to do. By embracing some of your long-held dreams for a career or what interests you, you will gain not just the confidence to succeed but also the achievement of finally manifesting the abundance you desire.

On Sunday, asteroid Juno will station direct in Virgo in your house of career, helping you to forge new agreements, sign contracts, and accept new positions. This energy will only build upon the planetary activity in Aries, which enables you to get back to the dreams you had as a child. Perhaps you veered off the path you once had or dismissed certain ideas as even childish. By reflecting on what you had dreamed for yourself when asked what you want to be when you grow up, you can actually realign yourself with your purpose. As you return to an important dream, Juno in Virgo will help you take the steps and make the plans necessary to ensure success. Even if you may want to forge ahead, taking the time now to plan will provide greater achievements later on.

How Sagittarius can make the most of this energy: Take time to reflect on the agreements you’ve recently made, including contracts and anything related to your professional life or college path. As you observe what has arisen, you can begin to ask yourself what, if any, of them are connected to the dreams you had as a child. From that point, a new awareness surfaces that the path to abundance is the one that honors who you truly are. In this case, you won’t have to strive only for recognition or wealth but naturally attract that as you lean in and commit to what you truly feel called to pursue.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.