5 Zodiac Signs Have The Best Horoscopes This Week As Mercury Enters Aquarius

The energy is potent this week!

5 Zodiac Signs Have The Best Horoscopes The Week Mercury Enters Aquarius Beginning February 5 instaphotos | Canva Pro

You build, they will come. That's the energy of this week, between February 5 and 11, 2024. While five zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes under this influence — namely, Pisces, Aries, Scorpio, Libra, and Taurus — there's something here for the rest of the signs, too!

First of all, the cosmic energies are super-hyped this week. After all, we have five back-to-back astrology transits happening now, with Mercury in Aquarius starting off the marathon on February 5 and the New Moon in Aquarius ending it on February 9. In between, we have Pallas moving to Sagittarius on February 6, Ceres entering Capricorn on February 7, and Vesta going direct in Gemini on February 8.


So, if surprising things happen to you and the people around you this week (both big and small), should you really be surprised at this point? Of course, the Chinese Lunar New Year on February 10 will tie up this wonderful cascade of energies for those who celebrate. Even if you don't, fortune will touch your life nevertheless. So be ready for an action-packed weekend!


If you feel called to, don't start anything new this week. Instead, figure out what you want, right down to the minute details, and then set your plans into motion in the waxing cycle of the moon from February 10 onward (for the next five days at least). Now, let's focus on the five zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for February 5 - 11.

Five zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for February 5 - 11, 2024:

1. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Aquarius

Best area to focus on: Self-reflection & spirituality

Pisces, you will make friends wherever you go this week. The goodwill of the universe is on you, so don't be surprised when help literally comes to your doorstep even before you ask for it out loud! It's one of those supernatural weeks, for sure.


Also, if you feel called, lean into your spiritual side this week and engage with the beyond in whatever manner feels right to you. Whether it's through prayer, ritual, reflection, or meditation, you will find deep insights on this path. You can even pick up a spiritual journal or a five-year book to turn this into a habit.

RELATED: Why Are Pisces So Smart?

2. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Aries

Best area to focus on: Focused exercise

The end of anxieties is here, Aries! You have the cosmic forces supporting you behind the scenes this week. So whoever has been a thorn in your side for so long will suddenly find their path diverted away from you or karma giving them a warning sign that will be obvious to everyone who sees it.


Try to focus on your chosen path and not get distracted. This will help you channel your blessings into the areas of life that mean the most to you. Focused exercise can definitely help with this, plus it can help you build your patience!

RELATED: 12 Reasons An Aries Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed

3. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Pisces

Best area to focus on: Whispered conversations

Scorpio, the first half of the week will be a mixed bag for you, with some days bringing you great joy and satisfaction and others causing annoyance and headaches. Try to do your best and be kind towards yourself when you feel overwhelmed. You are on the best horoscopes list because the universe supports you now, whether you can see it clearly or not.


Interestingly, you will benefit the most this week when you open your heart and choose to be vulnerable with the people you love. In fact, whispered conversations with your significant other or crush will have a potent effect this week. So use this power wisely!

RELATED: Sensitive Moon Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Emotional

4. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo

Best area to focus on: Hosting a party

The cosmic forces are rooting for your success right now, Libra! Do you feel it? The best way to tap into this energy is by choosing yourself and avoiding commitments or social obligations that strain your spirit or take away time from self-care and other important projects.


When you do choose to engage with others, make the moments count. Make sure those people mean something to you. An impromptu drinks and cards party might just be the thing to bring everyone together. You can also test out those snazzy cocktail (or mocktail) recipes you saw on TikTok!

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5. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)


Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Taurus

Best area to focus on: Your choice

Taurus, the universe has chosen to hand over the reins to you this week with a promise of no interference. What are you going to do with this blank slate? Some of you may feel adrift or purposeless because of this, especially if you have authoritarian people in your life who have tried to take away your power in the past.

Use this time to strengthen your free will and learn what lies in your heart, separate from everyone else and their wishes. What you discover will surprise you and set you up for the future. However, do make time for some fun, too. After all, all work and no play is not exactly a recipe for happiness.


RELATED: Taurus Friendship Compatibility & Facts About Having Taurus As A Friend


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
