The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Try something different.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Wednesday, January 4, 2023 Blixa 6 Studios, StefanDahl via Canva Pro/Studio MLN via Canva

This Wednesday, January 4, 2023, three zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes. 

What makes today extra special is that it inspires three zodiac signs to take a risk and try something new to create more expansion and adventure in life.

The Moon will be in Gemini all day giving excited, communicative, and active energy.

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In astrology, the Moon governs your feelings, when it is in the zodiac sign of Gemini the day's energy becomes lighter and more manageable. It's easier to find light and meaning within ourselves.

No matter what zodiac sign you are, you are more apt to feel inspired by your emotions than overwhelmed by them.

The Moon in Gemini sets the tone for three zodiac signs to actively embrace where they currently are and feel brave enough to take a step towards newness and adventure.

Venus, the planet of love, is in Capricorn, and she positively unites with Jupiter in Aries enticing you with greater passion and courage towards pursuing what calls the most deeply.


While normally Venus is considered to strictly rule relationships, she also helps us align with what we genuinely love and feel connected to. Capricorn is focused on the stability and foundation of a situation which will help set you up for success later.

Venus in Capricorn brings focus to inner passions and values to create what you want more of in your life.

As Venus speaks with Jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance, and expansion, everything seems bigger and more possible.

Whatever Jupiter touches becomes grander and more prominent, in this case, it is the energy of Venus that is looking to make plans to be able to enjoy more of what it loves in the year to come.


While Jupiter is in Aries, life is not just about improving things, but also harnessing the courage and bravery to strike out on a new path.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Jupiter begins a brand-new twelve-year cycle while in Aries.

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Aries is considered the brave one, the pioneer, and the leader that can forge ahead and accomplish all their dreams with unwavering determination.

This is currently the energy of Jupiter; to create expansion and abundance in your own life by any means necessary.

Together these two planets set the tone for today encouraging you to take a step towards whatever different means for you.


It may be that you desire to start a new career, travel, or even build a deeper level of commitment within your own relationship.

Whatever it is, you currently have the support of Jupiter and today the Gemini Moon which will help you not only find the right words but will also make your enthusiasm for the future infectious.

It is truly a day to embrace the power of and to understand that no matter how small it may seem, a step towards your future of any kind is significant.

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It allows you to begin to change your energy and vibration so that you are making yourself more in alignment with what it is that you are hoping to build.


Because creating something different comes down to your own conscious choice of doing things differently.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Wednesday, January 4, 2023: 

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Jupiter has just begun its reign in your zodiac sign which will last until mid-May. During this time, and especially from the end of January once all planets are direct, you will feel and see your life expand in numerous ways.

A big part of this will reside in your taking your life in a new and different direction.

While it is likely this change may impact all areas of your life, it could also just be in a specific avenue such as health or even love. Today’s energy with Venus in Capricorn activates themes around your career.


You are looking for a new position or even want to expand on your current role. Use today’s energy to focus on what truly feels fulfilling professionally speaking so that you can begin to take those first steps to incorporate growth into your life.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

With the Sun, Venus, and retrograde Mercury all in your own zodiac sign, there is a great deal of reflection taking place regarding what truly fills you up and how to process this new awareness coming in.

The Sun rules self and actions while Venus governs your passions, self-love and how you approach relationships.


Today, Jupiter’s energy will enhance whatever you have been moving through because of this, and you may find yourself needing to open an important conversation, despite Mercury being retrograde.

When you are during increased self-awareness, the most important thing is to focus on how you are currently feeling and how you want to feel in the future.

You tend to think that you need to have all the answers before you start sharing with those close to you, but you do not. Simply sharing your feelings is enough to open the pathways of communication and get that ball rolling in a new direction.


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3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

You focus on what is right in front of you, which means that your emotional self can tend to get stuffed down or ignored. Today’s Moon in Gemini helps you to feel everything in a very productive way. You have been feeling a bit slowed down since Mars turned retrograde in your zodiac sign at the end of October.

It has made you think more and act less, which is of benefit for you on the current path that you are on. While Mars is set to turn direct next week, finally, being able to process and understand all your feelings is a crucial part of this. Use today to tune into your innermost feelings and thoughts. Let them come and even go if necessary.


You can always talk about a good game and see every side of a story, but it is important to also be able to see your own. This is what helps you truly define your own life from the one that others think you should be living.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.
