Stop Waiting For True Love - Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Your Soulmate Instead

Real love awaits.

How To Find Love Using The Law Of Attraction & Positive Thoughts To Manifest Your Soulmate Ana Francisconi on Unsplash

Do you sometimes feel like everyone else around you is enjoying a great relationship apart from you?

Everyone goes through this phase: you feel like everyone else has figured out how to make relationships work but you're the only one who can't seem to find the right person. You go through repeated breakups, bad dates, loneliness and secret dreams of finding your soulmate. You have an intense desire to be loved and you're desperate to know how to find true love.


Indeed, the need to be loved is one of the most basic needs of a human being. Many people associate love with happiness. You might believe that you're happy as long as you're in healthy relationships.

Romantic relationships are, therefore, the priority for many people.

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You might have resigned yourself to single life, even though deep down, you still yearn to find love. It is normal to sometimes just feel like giving up. The good news is that no matter how unpleasant your experiences have been, you can learn how to attract real love and your soulmate using the Law Of Attraction.

What is the Law Of Attraction?

The Law Of Attraction is the belief that focusing on positive or negative thoughts will attract the same kind of positive or negative things into your life. In other words, your current situation is a manifestation of all the thoughts that you have been thinking in the past.

The law of attraction declares that you have the ability to attract into your life whatever you are focusing on. Remember: thoughts become things.


Every minute, whether you are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, you are acting as a human magnet, sending out thoughts and emotions, and attracting back more of what you have conceived.

The beginning of attraction teaches you that everything you attract in your life is a direct response to your thoughts and energies. If this is the case, then you are responsible for the people you attract.

To know how to use the Law Of Attraction to attract your soul mate, you must first be clear about the kind of person your soul mate is. Is he caring, charismatic, ambitious, abundant, affectionate, creative, hardworking, etc.?

Having done that, you can develop and grow yourself into the kind of person that you would want to be with. In other words, if you haven’t found the right person, it is probably because you are not being the right person. The process of manifesting one’s soul mate is, therefore, an inner journey.


Now that you know how the law of attraction works, remember that your thoughts and feelings shape your reality.

Affirmations are positive statements about the desired goal. When said often enough, they can change your habits and behavior and consequently transform the environment and the people around you. Affirmations can help improve your love life.

Below is a list of affirmations for attracting love into your life. You can choose the affirmations that appeal to your situation.

  • Repeat them as many times as you want when you have some free time.
  • If you choose several affirmations, it will be wiser to concentrate on one particular affirmation at a time.
  • You can repeat the affirmations aloud, mentally or whisper them.
  • Believe the words you are repeating.

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The greatness of your mind allows you to think and imagine what does not exist right now and make it a reality. You can transform your loneliness into an excellent company: your unhappiness into abundant happiness.

You want love in your life. You want a partner and a beautiful, harmonious relationship.

All of these are possible and these 31 affirmations will inject confidence and positivity that you need to attract an abundance of love from your soul mate.

  1. I am ready to give and receive the love that is perfect for me in every way.
  2. I am unique, and there is a person who is right just for me and I am right just for them.
  3. I have so much to give: I am a wonderful, loving person.
  4. I am perfect just as I am and worthy of love.
  5. The person that I am looking for is also looking for me.
  6. I am becoming the best version of myself, and the past relationships are in the past.
  7. The universe is using circumstances and events to bring me the love that I am looking for.
  8. My heart is open and ready to love.
  9. I am a magnet puller and I am sending the right energy into the world to bring me the right person.
  10. The right person is on the way, and they are worth waiting for.
  11. I am attracting a lasting relationship.
  12. The love that I seek is also seeking me.
  13. Everything I do is bringing me closer to love.
  14. The more I desire someone, the more they become attracted to me.
  15. Love is attracted to me and I am attracted to love.
  16. My inner beauty naturally radiates outwards.
  17. I radiate unconditional love.
  18. When I meet that special person, everything will just fall into place.
  19. I am filled with the vibrations of love.
  20. Love is my birthright.
  21. I desire love and receive it in abundance.
  22. I spread love and receive it back many times over.
  23. I only attract healthy loving relationships.
  24. I am willing and ready to let the right man/woman for me to enter into my life now.
  25. I open my heart to love, and I trust that true love will follow.
  26. I desire love, so I give my love to my soul mate.
  27. Everything I do aligns with the vibrations of love.
  28. I am destined to be with my soul mate.
  29. I am deserving of the love that I receive.
  30. Love fills my soul with warmth.
  31. I trust the universe will find me my perfect match.

These affirmations will help you turn around the negative thoughts about love running through your mind. When you begin to use them consciously, you will not only start to change your thoughts but your life as well.

This is because when you transform your thoughts, you change your vibrations and begin to attract love. With the right affirmations, it is possible to fall in love — even unconditional love.

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Randy Skilton is an educator on the topic of relationships (with others and with ourselves). He writes about how women can find and create their dream relationship at Attract Your Dream Guy.
