Communication Problems, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support



Additional Expertise

Counselor/Therapist, Life Coach, Relationship Coach

About Ellen Hartson

I believe that we are all born knowing how to love perfectly. Then we get all kinds of ideas as we grow up about how that is supposed to look. And then we get hurt. And then we shut down. But our richest life can only be lived when we reconnect with that source of love inside of ourselves.

I work with men and women who are single, in a relationship, married or divorced. I use my Relationship Rx tools to help you learn how your life history affects the way you love and to ‘rewrite’ your story using powerful thought changing techniques that actually ‘rewire’ your brain. You will gain clarity on what you want in a partner relationship. You will learn how to develop healthy boundaries by staying in YOUR BUSINESS and stop fixing your partner. You will learn how to eliminate destructive patterns in relationships and replace them with my powerful and effective Relationship Rx tools. The result will be an amazing relationship with yourself first and then an amazing relationship with your partner!

Because we are here to love.

Contact me today to schedule your 30 minute complimentary consultation over the phone. Check out my blog to get a feel for how I think and work with you.

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