Woman Records Her Grandmother’s Reaction To Realizing She’s Turning 100 Years Old — ‘I Feel Maybe 50’
Age truly is nothing but a number.

It’s no secret that time pushes ahead quickly without our outright permission. Oftentimes, it feels like life is moving at warp speed: Blink, and you’ll miss it.
Being in the present moment and staying grateful for what we have are challenging practices, but as one older woman showed, those practices are what keep us young.
A woman recorded her grandmother’s reaction to turning 100 years old, saying she felt much younger.
Well-being and lifestyle coach Chelsea Dornan shared a sweet exchange she had with grandma, Catherine, who was on the verge of hitting one full century on Earth.
“You’re going to be 100 years old,” Chelsea told her grandma, who replied with utter surprise. Her surprise was understandable. According to Pew Research data, only .03% of the U.S. population reaches this birthday milestone, but thanks to advances in health and technology, those numbers are projected to increase significantly in the next 30 years.
“1… What?” Her grandma exclaimed, shocked at hearing her own age.
Grandma Catherine asked what year it was, and Chelsea told her it was 2023.
“It’s a 23, and I was born in a 23, a hundred years ago,” Catherine said, working out the math.
“Can you believe it?” Chelsea asked.
“Son of a gun,” Catherine responded, incredulous at the news that she’d been alive for almost 100 years.
The grandma said exactly what was on her mind, which was that she didn’t feel that old at all.
The grandmother said, 'I don’t feel 100. I feel maybe 50, 55, maybe.'
It's often said that age is nothing but a number, and Catherine's demeanor highlighted how true that statement could be. It seems as though the more someone lives a life that keeps them true to themselves, the more appreciative they'll be for the ups and downs of the journey they're on.
Most of the roads we travel through the course of a lifetime will have their fair share of hardships, yet joy and beauty can still exist despite the challenges we face.
Evgeny Atamanenko | Shutterstock
The woman asked her grandmother for her secret to living a long life.
Catherine told her, “I don’t know, but I feel healthy.”
“There’s nothing that’s aching,” she continued before offering up a brief, heartfelt prayer to stay in good health.
“Let me get through my 100th birthday,” she declared, clasping her hands together. “Don’t fool around.”
Grandma Catherine promised to keep taking care of herself so that she could celebrate her birthday in style.
Chelsea revealed that she was planning a party for the momentous occasion.
Kuznetsov Dmitriy | Shutterstock
“Where do you hold a party like that? Catherine asked. Chelsea shared her party-planning ideas, saying, “I was thinking in the garden.”
Her grandma reiterated her wish to stay in good health for her upcoming birthday, and Chelsea reassured her, saying, “You feel 50. You’ll be strong and ready to dance.”
“I feel healthy. Tired, a little bit,” Catherine concluded, which is no surprise. Living for so long is bound to zap a person of some energy, yet Catherine seemed to feel connected and appreciative for her 100 years.
One full year later, Chelsea shared that she and Grandma Catherine were planning her 101st birthday. They planned to take a trip to the beach so that the beloved grandma could eat a celebratory hot dog and dip her toes in the water.
While there’s no formula for staying young, Catherine is a shining example of the power of a positive mindset and staying connected to the people we love, those who lift us up as we move through our life’s journey.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture, and all things to do with the entertainment industry.