Worker Shares The 'Gift' Her Company Gave Their Team On Employee Appreciation Day — 'It Wasn't A Day Off Or A Bonus'
Instead of being rewarded with meaningful gifts, the lackluster response from her company proved that employees don't appreciate feeling undervalued.

An employee has revealed the lackluster surprise from her company that was supposed to show appreciation to the team.
In a TikTok video, Megan Murphy's experience seemingly resonated with other working-class adults and uncovered the disheartening reality that many employees often feel overlooked and underappreciated at their jobs, despite putting in the hard work and dedication.
Murphy shared the 'gift' her company gave their team on employee appreciation day.
"It's employee appreciation day at my company and senior leadership just gifted us with the most incredible thing," Murphy deadpanned with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She explained that she wasn't making this video to reveal the "gift" to make anyone jealous, but just wanted to share how her company was choosing to honor and support their employees.
She prefaced that it wasn't an extra vacation day, a bonus, or a promotion, which would've been an adequate gift to give employees who have gone above and beyond for a company. Rather, Murphy and the rest of the team received a simple email from management.
"Let me read it to you real quick," Murphy said. "Employee appreciation day is more than just a day. We appreciate you year-round. Thank you for making this a remarkable place to work." In that same sarcastic tone, Murphy expressed that she was overjoyed and filled with gratitude for her company's email and their "commitment to company morale."
She also made sure to point out that she and the other employees were given free burritos the week before. Unfortunately, free burritos and a simple email don't quite get across how valuable a company believes its employees are.
Photo: YakobchukOlena / Canva Pro
In the comments section people shared the lackluster "gifts" they received from their companies, with one person writing that they were given an E-card from their CEO, while someone else claimed that despite having unlimited PTO, their boss decided to give them an "extra PTO day" to commend them for being such a hard worker.
Companies seem unaware of how many benefits lie in employees feeling appreciated, recognized, and valued. By showing appreciation through gifts that employees actually want, including extra days off, promotions, or raises, individuals will be more likely to stay at their jobs and positively impact the work environment. Instead of boosting motivation and morale, Murphy's experience probably did the opposite.
Even the email seemed generic instead of having a personalized touch to it to show the genuineness of how the company feels about its team.
Most employed Americans feel as if their companies lack appreciation for those working for them.
In a Gallup survey of more than 15,000 workers, only 32% of people felt engaged in their jobs at the end of 2022, and the number of workers who reported being actively disengaged increased since the pandemic. Just 30% of workers surveyed said they had "received recognition or praise for doing good work."
However, according to a survey from AWI, employees who don't feel that they're recognized for their work are 39% more likely to say they will job hunt. Employees have reported that feeling valued and having a sense of belonging at work trumped other factors, including being given a healthy work-life balance and adequate pay from their employers.
Mindy Moss, a psychology professor at the University of Central Florida, told Business Insider that, oftentimes, the small things can make such a difference.
"I've seen leaders at companies even giving a handwritten note to someone saying, 'Thank you, I saw you went above and beyond.' And that made a difference," Moss told the publication, adding that an important part of a manager's role is "to keep the organization healthy, which means paying attention to the signs of 'ill health' in relationships or in people's feelings."
Murphy's experience is not singular, with many other employees having the same complaint that they are undervalued at their workplaces. The minimal effort put in by the company Murphy works for highlights the severe disconnect between the lack of effort employers put into making sure their workers feel respected, acknowledged, and supported and how often employees choose to quit and find employment elsewhere.
There is a genuine need for more workplaces to actively show how much they appreciate their workers, and it doesn't take much to do it either.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.