Woman Suggests Our Society Is Designed To Force Us To Choose Between Community And Routine — ‘Something Has Always Got To Give’
You're stuck having to decide which one is more important to you.

Do you ever feel lonely? Not just every once in a while, but consistently disconnected from those around you. There's a loneliness epidemic on a global scale, and not to sound ironic, but you're not alone in your loneliness. In fact, you may be interested in hearing one woman's explanation for this inescapable solitude.
Content creator Jordan Stacey took to TikTok to share her theory that our society is designed to force us to choose between community and routine, leading many into isolation.
A woman theorized that our society forces us to choose between community and routine, contributing to feelings of loneliness.
Stacey began by stating that "community disrupts routine, and routine is heavily necessitated by late-stage capitalism."
This means the only way people maintain their lifestyle while working 9-5 jobs is through strict scheduling, such as booking Pilates classes and completing meal prep.
The woman argued that working full-time forces many people into isolation.
She claimed that when you live in a communal space, you cannot adhere to the same schedule as you would if you lived alone. With limited time and resources, most people live by a routine that doesn't include time for interaction with others.
"A huge reason that I don't like working full-time is that I feel like I'm constantly choosing between community and routine," she said. "Lonely people, those without connection or community, feel the need to choose routine over community."
She advised people that when it comes down to it, you should always prioritize community.
Capitalism does force us into isolation.
According to Psychology Today, loneliness isn't an individual issue but a social epidemic caused by capitalism.
It has forced us to suppress our need for community because, with work at the center of our lives, we schedule every moment around it.
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We have to stick to strict routines in order to work for long hours and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Even when the weekend does provide the opportunity to engage with others, many are deterred by the high prices to have fun and the exhaustion after finally completing a full week of work.
This leaves many wondering: how can we build community while still having to abide by routine due to late-stage capitalism?
The solution to the 'loneliness epidemic' is an integration of the community into a routine.
Commenters suggested the way to find balance between the need for a routine with the need for community is to combine the two to the best of your ability.
For example, instead of doing that meal prep alone, invite your friends over to cook with you. Don't go on runs alone; exercise as a group.
Take the things you would normally do alone as part of your routine and alter them just a bit so you can connect with others.
The key is balance.
Don't get too caught up in routine that you isolate yourself in your own bubble, and don't spread yourself too thin trying to get in touch with others that your well-being suffers.
It's up to you to form the community you need to survive in this society.
Sahlah Syeda is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.