Your Biggest Strengths In Relationships Can Reveal The Career Best Suited To You, According To A Behavioral Analyst
The kind of partner you are can also help narrow down your best career fit.

Whether you're just starting out or embarking on a mid-life pivot, figuring out the best career for you can be a tough code to crack. Yet, according to a psychologist, analyzing your relationships can help you find the answer.
The psychologist said your relationship strengths can reveal the career best suited to you.
Miriam Groom is the CEO of Mindful Career, a career counseling firm that uses Groom's expertise in industrial and organizational psychology to guide people on their professional paths. She said that how you approach your relationships can provide helpful insight into what sort of career best aligns with your unique mental makeup.
"I'm a behavior analyst and behavioral profiler," Groom said in a recent TikTok, "and when I interview my clients I often ask what their relationships are like, because it's a strong predictor of their brain chemistry and ideal career."
She shared five common relationship dynamics and the careers that tend to work nicely along with them to illustrate how the two concepts are linked together.
1. You're nurturing and empathetic.
These are the sweet, snuggly types — the sorts of guys and gals who love a cuddle or sharing a meal. Groom said if this is you, "you should really be a therapist, a nurse, a health care worker, or an HR manager."
These are all careers about caring for and helping others, which makes sense given the soft spot you have if this is your relationship style.
2. You're amazing at problem-solving.
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You're skilled at managing the logistical details of your household and are always planning things like dates well in advance.
These people excel at "creating stability for other people," and as such, Groom said they are natural-born event planners, project managers, and financial analysts. They are perfectly suited for positions that deal with lots of moving parts, careful planning, i-dotting, and t-crossing.
3. You argue playfully and are skilled at conflict resolution.
If you're the type who loves a good back-and-forth and can do so without getting angry, you're also probably good at cutting through tension and finding solutions with careful communication.
Groom said your value for respect and relationships makes you uniquely suited to jobs in education, marketing, or mediation. All are about messaging and managing tension to one degree or another, skills people like you have in spades.
4. You often need alone time.
Some people are extroverts who thrive on being outgoing and energetic, while introverts recharge through quiet, calm introspection. If you're the latter, you're probably suited to a creative career, Groom said.
People who need their alone time also "really value personal growth," which means careers in fields like writing and editorial, design or even scientific research are likely to be perfect fits.
5. You often give thoughtful surprises.
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Do you love to come home with a bouquet of flowers apropos of nothing? Are you the type to whisk your guy or gal away on a trip to Paris at a moment's notice? Groom said you likely "thrive on creating emotional connection."
To bring that into your working life, choose a creative path like a creative director or event designer or a job that deals with matters of the heart, like counseling or coaching.
Following these tips might just be the key to bringing harmony from your home life into the working world. That integration will not only make you happier in your career but bring better balance to your life as well.
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.