The Psychological Reason You Should Always Take The Water Someone Offers When You’re A Guest At Their House
"Stop denying things that people want to give you."

When you're a guest in someone's home, and they offer you a glass of water, do you accept it? Or do you politely refuse?
A content creator on TikTok with the username @thewomanhoodguide posited that women often don't take the water — but they really should.
She explained the psychological reason why you should always take the water someone offers you when you're a guest at their house.
"Whenever you go to someone's house, if they offer you a glass of water or something to drink in general, do you take it?" she questioned. "Because I've noticed most women don't. It's usually something along the lines of, 'No, I'm fine. Thank you."
Gender norms and societal expectations have conditioned women to be passive. Often they say no to things because they don't want to inconvenience anyone (except themselves, of course). The content creator insisted that, instead of trying to be demure by refusing the offered beverage, women should start saying yes and accepting the drink.
“Start taking it. Learn to receive,” she suggested. “You have to start teaching yourself that you don't have to hustle and grind for everything.”
“Things can come to you. People can give you things,” she continued. “You don't have to be the giver all the time.”
Women deserve to receive things, big and small.
It starts by accepting something as miniscule as a glass of water because if you're in someone's home and they're offering. They genuinely want to make sure you're comfortable and at ease in their home — there's no ulterior motive, and you're not being a burden by requesting one, either.
"They wouldn’t offer if they weren’t already willing to do that for you," she added in a comment responding to a user who admitted she didn't want to be an inconvenience or make the host do more dishes.
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"It's so important to show ourselves that we deserve to receive things, starting with small things like a glass of water or bigger things like love, happiness, and opportunities," the creator remarked.
Commenters suggested taking the offered drink at the hair or nail salon too!
'Stop denying things that people want to give you.'
The content creator assured viewers that the small things, like accepting an offered drink, will quickly add up. By ending the practice of denying yourself, "your energy will shift toward one that is comfortable receiving [and] that invites things in," she said.
We, as women, can't keep allowing society to dictate our happiness. We aren't "too much" and we not asking for more than we should — often we are simply asking for the bare minimum. No man would balk at accepting something that was offered to them. You shouldn't either.
“Society has conditioned so many women to be so uncomfortable receiving,” she said, “but that's kind of our key to happiness.”
Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.