People With The Most Compassionate Personality Type Share These 4 Dark Traits
Even the Mediator has a dark side.

Like everything in life, sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. When you have a positive personality trait, the over-expression of that same part of your character creates an imbalance.
Because it occurs with every Myers-Briggs type, the INFP personality type is not immune. Referred to as the "Mediator" because of their ability to see multiple sides to a problem, on that same note, seeing everyone's side can be exhausting.
INFPs have a strong sense of altruism and they crave harmony; disagreements and disputes make peace seem out of reach. In conflict, this personality type acts opposite to who they really are on the inside.
But that isn't their only dark trait. In fact, the INFP dark side comes out when they are unable to take time to think and reconnect with their quiet side.
4 Dark Traits of the INFP Personality Type
1. Catastrophic thinking
Sometimes, things just get a little too hectic with INFPs. If it has been especially cruel in the world, it can push them to just stay in bed and shut everything out.
INFPs are extremely susceptible to falling into downward spirals, no matter how big or small the issue is. This can be especially confusing for friends and family members.
They tend to ignore phone calls or flake on plans, simply because one thought sent them down a rabbit hole of "worst case scenario" thinking. This makes it difficult for them to even get out of bed!
2. Overly emotional
Since INFPs are always thinking about other people's emotions and how to help their friends, sometimes they overthink their own situations. Even the smallest things can lead to overthinking and jumping to conclusions.
But rather than bringing up how they are feeling, they let it fester internally until someone brings it up to avoid "being annoying."
INFPs have very strong emotions, so it's best for others to not jump to conclusions about their inner conflict. It probably has nothing to do with anyone else, anyway.
INFPs need to realize that though they are the go-to person to help solve problems, they need a little help themselves because their emotions get the best of them.
3. Self-absorbed
Because INFPs have all these emotions and things going on inside, it can be easy to feel like they have the hardest life in the world. Yes, there are other pressing issues going on in the world, and even in their inner circle, but they simply can't be bothered.
The way they constantly think about every little thing can cause them to tune out what is actually happening around them. This can lead to conflict among their loved ones, ignoring them because the INFP thinks they know everything.
4. Passive
Both platonic and romantic relationships can be difficult for the INFP because of how anti-conflict they are. It's not that they don't want to find true love like everyone else, it's that they are just really bad at addressing conflict.
If there's something they don't like about a person, rather than talking it out and fixing it, INFP just acts like nothing is wrong.
This can get really messy if they feel like they aren't really into a person; rather than saying that, an INFP will just lead others on for a while until the other person gives up.
Josie Fuller is a writer who studies Journalism and Women's Studies at The University of Florida. Her work has been featured on The Tab.