93-Year-Old-Woman Who Doesn't 'Have Much Longer In The World’ Shares 5 Things That Give Her A Happy Life
There are concrete ways to create a happy life full of meaning.

Content creator Karim Jovian conducts impromptu interviews on the streets of New York.
He recently spoke with an older woman about the ways she stays young at heart and what makes her feel fulfilled.
A 93-year-old woman ‘who doesn’t have much longer in the world’ shared 5 things that give her a happy life.
1. She does what she wants to do.
Jovian asked her what it feels like to be 93, to which she gave an honest yet hopeful answer.
“Well, my feet hurt,” she laughed. “Otherwise, well, I know that I don’t have that much longer in the world, and I don’t feel sad about it, because my feet hurt, and other things hurt,” she said, still laughing. “My physical condition is just going to get worse. But otherwise, I have a good life and I enjoy it,” she said.
When Jovian asked if she was happy, she answered without hesitation. “Yes, I am happy,” she said and then revealed why.
“I’m happy because I’m doing what I want to do,” she said. “I get to come out to Washington Square Park and watch all this crazy stuff.”
2. She has her own work.
She explained that another source of happiness in her life is having her own work. Jovian revealed on Instagram that the woman he spoke with is acclaimed photographer Rosalind Fox Solomon.
Solomon has received multiple accolades throughout her extensive career documenting the inner workings of American lives, including the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Infinity Award.
“It’s important to know yourself and know what you really want to do,” Solomon said in a tribute video posted by the International Center of Photography. “It’s important to know that you have to work really, really hard. It’s not an easy road.”
Solomon offers a perspective on how challenging, stimulating work gave her a sense of purpose and drive, which ultimately helped her live a fulfilling life.
3. She’s involved with different passion projects.
Jovian’s next question touched on an issue that feels truly universal: How to create a life that holds meaning.
“How do you stay happy?” He asked, pinpointing a difference between being intermittently happy and establishing happiness over the long term. Solomon answered that one way she stays happy is by “being involved with projects.”
Photo: ESB Professional / Shutterstock
She shared the advice she would give to someone who wants to be happy, explaining that people should pursue their passions. “Find something that interests them very, very much, and to pursue that interest,” Solomon said.
For people who are older or retired, staying involved in community activities can be a great way to keep your mind sharp and stay socially connected.
4. She has close friends.
Solomon also revealed that being in touch with friends and loved ones brings her joy. While it might not always feel easy to stay close to people in our lives, being the one to reach out and send that text is a valuable way to exist in the world.
We’re all seeking connection; sometimes, we have to be the ones to reach out first.
Photo: Sabrina Bracher / Shutterstock
5. She’s happy being by herself.
While Solomon sings the praises of being social, she also recognizes the importance of being happy with who she is. She revealed one last piece of advice for people to cultivate happiness, saying, “I would tell them, ‘reach out to other people, but to be happy in their own company.’”
It’s clear from the openness and vibrancy with which Solomon moves through the world that she’s created a life full of meaning. Her artistic contributions and her wise advice will live on, showing how our memories, too, hold meaning, much like our lived experiences.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.