Chaz Bono Becomes Real, Live, Legal Boy

Cher and Sonny's son files for legal change of name and gender.

Chaz Bono files papers to change name

Chaz Bono, the only child of gay icon Cher and the late Congressman Sonny Bono, has filed papers in California Superior Court to officially change his name from Chastity, and to change his legal gender from female to male. Chaz began living as a man in March 2009, and his doctor has filed a declaration with the court saying that he had a gender-change operation last year, which People specified was a mastectomy. A hearing is scheduled for May 6.


Chaz made an appearance on Anderson Cooper 360 earlier this month to discuss his transition from female to male, saying, "When puberty hit it [got] really confusing. I realized I had a physical attraction to women and kind of went with the obvious that I must be a lesbian. And it took quite a number of years to realize that wasn't the case, that, in fact, I was transgender." Can I Find Love If I'm Transgendered?

Part of the transition process included taking male hormones, which Chaz started last year and, according to reports, he has had a hysterectomy, but he would not comment on plans for any further surgeries. He told Cooper, "As far as, you know, any bottom surgery, that's something that I don't really feel comfortable talking about." (Because genital surgery for female-to-male transgendered people is still somewhat rudimentary, many FTM people choose not to have the procedure, according to plastic surgeon and urologist Dr. Gary Alter, speaking on CNN last year. We hope he realizes the magnificent appropriateness of his name.)


Chaz told People in December that his transition has only improved his relationship with his girlfriend of four years, 34-year-old graduate student Jennifer Elia, and that they like to cook at home surrounded by their two dogs and four cats. "Everybody in the family is doing the best that they can," he said, referring obliquely to his mother, Cher. "I've gotten, for the most part, a lot of really incredible support."

Last summer Cher released a statement after Chaz announced his transition, which said in part, "I respect the courage it takes to go through this transition in the glare of the public scrutiny, and although I may not understand, I will strive to be understanding. The one thing that will never change is my abiding love for my child."

Chaz is currently working on his third book and a documentary about his transition, which at the very least ought to be both entertaining and informative. And we hope it includes a little from Jennifer on what it's like to have Cher as a future mother-in-law.

Via E! Online. Photo courtesy of
