10 Best Ways To Deal With Loneliness As An Extrovert During Quarantine

We all get lonely sometimes.

10 Best Ways To Deal With Loneliness As An Extrovert During Quarantine getty

Quarantine has undoubtedly taken a toll on everyone. 

It’s the first time in many of our lives that we’ve been required to stay home. 

All meals, workouts, and for some, their jobs, have been in the comfort of their living room. But how comfortable has it really been? 

For those who consider themselves to be an extrovert, the thought of being without human interaction (besides your parents) is suffocating. 


When you gain energy and motivation from being around lots of people, it can be difficult to maneuver around not having that option. 

RELATED: 5 Completely Realistic Ways To Stop Feeling So Incredibly Lonely

Although I would say that I’m more of an ambivert, I’ve also struggled with not being able to see friends, go to the mall, or attend a party. 


As the loneliness began to set in, I had to learn how to cope. 

It’s tough knowing that there are seemingly no way out of the parameters of quarantine. 

We’re all just listening to our state leaders and doing our part to prevent the spread of coronavirus (at least I hope). 

So, what can you do when you’re an extrovert being forced to be an introvert? 

Here are 10 of the best ways to deal with loneliness as an extrovert during the quarantine. 

1. Set up a video call with friends and family.

I think sometimes we forget to use the technology that surrounds us for good. We’re lucky to have the access to a phone that allows us to actually see the faces of the people we’re missing. 


If you’re not into FaceTime (believe me, I wasn’t either), there’s always the choice of a quick phone call. Call your best friend and talk about your week — even if it didn’t involve anything special. 

By staying in contact with your friends and family during this time, you will feel less isolated. These are unprecedented times and we’re all just trying to find our way through. 

2. Start a new show or watch some movies.

In my opinion, TV shows and movies are a great escape from reality. Watching new shows and movies have been a great way to keep me busy during the quarantine. 

It’s natural to form a connection with the characters in a plot we’re deeply invested in. That said, you’ll feel less alone when you turn on your favorite episode of Mad Men


Use your extroversion to its advantage and step outside the box — start a new show that isn’t really your speed or watch a genre of movie you’ve never seen before. 

3. Read the books that are collecting dust on your shelves.

Similar to tv shows and movies, books provide another world which we can dive into. While reading might not be everyone’s cup of tea, it does help pass the time and make you feel involved in something bigger than your bedroom. 

Discover what types of books you like the best and purchase some more to keep the streak going. Use this time to quiet your mind and find joy in a simple hour of reading every night. 

Most likely, you’ll feel productive in your new intention of doing something you haven’t always had the time to do. 


4. Start working out (because we could all use some fitness in our lives).

While it can be hard to look inward as an extrovert, quarantine is a great time to do just that. Focus on your wants and needs — hit the living room gym and look for some challenging Pinterest workouts. 

This might be the only time in your life you’re not concerned with meeting up with others. So maybe you should consider meeting up with yourself. 

Move your body, take the time needed to achieve inner peace, and when the world opens back up you can flaunt all you’ve been working towards. 

5. Find a new hobby that brings you joy. 

This will probably look different for everyone, but we all have something that we can find joy in. Do you like to paint? Have you always wanted to buy an adult coloring book? Does perfecting your go-to makeup look interest you?


Whatever it is that will keep you occupied and happy, do it! You won’t feel so lonely if your time is being taken up by something that brings you excitement. 

Then, after quarantine, you’ll know that you can still enjoy alone time. Once you find something that makes you feel less lonely, you can always have it on the back burner. 

RELATED: What You Need To Do To Overcome Your Loneliness

6. Be aware of your time on social media. 

It’s unfair to say that you should stay off social media, especially if it helps you feel connected with the people you can’t see. 

However, there’s a chance that it’ll bring up feelings of sadness, anxiety, or some serious FOMO (fear of missing out). We have no control over whether or not our friends adhere to quarantine guidelines. 


So, you might find that what other people are doing and posting is making you feel more lonely. Just be conscious of how much time you’re spending on social media and if it’s potentially bringing up negative emotions. 

7. Hang out with the people you can. 

If you’re quarantining with your parents, a significant other, or roommates, cling to their presence and do things that feel normal.

Consider a weekly game night, daily walks, or a take-out night that gives everyone a chance to pick their favorite food joint. Make the most of the people that surround you and be grateful for the time with them (even if it gets annoying).

It’s possible you’re living alone so you might not have the luxury of human contact each day. If that’s the case, mask up and meet a friend for a walk through the woods or a trip to the grocery store. 


8. Plan the things you’ll do when quarantine is over. 

Looking to the future is always helpful in dealing with the present moment. Take this time to think about the little things you might have taken for granted and put them on a to-do list for after quarantine. 

Will you go out to your favorite restaurant? What about shopping at your favorite store? Will you invite a friend for drinks? How about getting your nails done?

There are so many exciting things that await us, we just have to be strong enough to power through until we get there. 


9. Clean out your closet (or anything else that could use the attention).

I always like to suggest a small project around the house to relieve feelings of loneliness. There’s solace in organizing something to make it appear and feel better — similar to what you’re working on with yourself.

Make a pile of clothes you plan to donate when quarantine is lifted and re-introduce yourself to that dress you totally forgot about. 

If you prefer to clean out areas of your kitchen, living room, or basement do that instead! The best way to remove any baggage or negative emotions is to *literally* throw it out. 

10. Practice meditation.

For some people, this is a really scary thought. For others, this is what centers and calms their mind. The truth is, meditation has incredible benefits that both introverts and extroverts could use in their everyday lives. 


There are so many apps and websites that will help you through guided meditation. Use your resources and start to become comfortable with silence. 

Practice meditation for however long best suits you — 5 minutes or an hour. This will help clear your mind of loneliness and stress during a very uncertain time. 

RELATED: 5 Ways To Stop Feeling So Lonely Almost Immediately

Isabella Pacinelli is a writer who covers relationship, self-love, spirituality, and entertainment topics.