Who Is Rose McGowan's Girlfriend, Sienna? All The Juicy Info About Actress' New Relationship

Rose McGowan is seeing someone new.

Who Is Rose McGowan's Girlfriend, Sienna? All The Juicy Info About Actress' New Relationship Getty Images

As far as we can tell, Rose McGowan has been riding a bit of a relationship rollercoaster over the last several months but now, it sounds like she's found someone she can trust.

During a recent podcast appearance, McGowan shared that she seeing someone new: A woman named Sienna.

But who is Rose McGowan's new girlfriend? There aren't a lot of details out there, but here's what we know so far. 

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1. Recently, McGowan and a new lady in her life were spotted out and about together. 



A post shared by Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) on Nov 11, 2019 at 10:31am PST

Toward the end of last year, McGowan was seen kissing a woman when she was photographed by paparazzi out on the street but at the time, no one was able to identify the woman — and it seemed like otherwise, she was keeping their relationship under wraps. So far, there's no word on whether or not this woman is her new girlfriend. 


2. McGowan just confirmed she's dating a woman named Sienna.

During a podcast appearance this week, McGowan was talking about the way people put labels on their sexual identity when she confirmed that she's dating a woman named Sienna.

“I really don’t know. The whole thing is that I know people are a lot more comfortable with the labels,” McGowan said. “I’m in a relationship with this great young woman named Sienna right now, and she identifies as a lesbian, but I don’t identify … I don’t know.”

3. Who is Rose McGowan's girlfriend? Sienna's true identity remains a mystery. 

Other than her first name, McGowan has yet to share any other details about Sienna and it doesn't seem like she's made their relationship social media official just yet. In fact, there isn't a single Sienna among the accounts that McGowan is following on Instagram, making it hard to narrow down exactly which Sienna in her life she might be talking about.

4. In December, McGowan was linked to a man she was spotted with.

In December 2019, McGowan brought a date to Liz Vap's Krampus holiday party, and she and the mystery man seemed like they were having a good time together — and like they were close already.


“Rose seemed super in love, and was snuggled up for the holidays,” an onlooker said at the time.

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5. Before that, her breakup with Rain Dove made headlines. 

McGowan's most recent romantic relationship was with nonbinary LGBTQ activist Rain Dove, who she dated for more than a year before they split in the summer of 2009. Their split was a difficult one; Dove admitted to sending text messages from McGowan's friend, Asia Argento, to TMZ that damaged her reputation since she had admitted that she had unknowingly slept with a minor. This breech in McGowan's trust seemed to be more than she could handle and their relationship ended, although a good amount of social media drama followed in the weeks afterward. 

6. McGowan is keeping quiet about her love life otherwise. 

As far as McGowan's Instagram account is concerned, she may as well be single; most of her photos focus only on her or her friends, with none of them appearing to be Sienna, the woman she's dating — and this podcast has been the first and only time she's shared any information about her current relationship whatsoever.


Maybe, as things progress, McGowan will choose to share more about her new partner, but for now, it all remains a mystery.

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Nicole Pomarico is an entertainment and lifestyle writer whose work has appeared in Cosmo, Us Weekly, Refinery29, and more.