7 Shocking Revelations From Demi Moore's New Memoir 'Inside Out'

She lays it all out in the open.

7 Shocking Revelations From Demi Moore's Memoir 'Inside Out' Instagram

Demi Moore has a new memoir out September 23rd called Inside Out and in it she lays her life bare discussing everything from her nomadic childhood to her marriages and divorces and the various traumas she's experienced along the way. Moore has been famous since the early 1980s and she has seen and done it all, literally. Let's take a look at seven shocking revelations from Demi Moore's memoir Inside Out.


1. Her mom's suicide attempts

Demi Moore's parents were teenagers when they fell in love, beginning a co-dependent and unending love affair that would be characterized as toxic today. In her memoir, Demi recounts a time when her mother attempted to commit suicide (one of the many times she tried to kill herself) by ingesting a number of pills. Demi wrote, "The next thing I remember is using my fingers, the small fingers of a child, to dig the pills my mother had tried to swallow out of her mouth while my father held it open and told me what to do. Something very deep inside me shifted then, and it never shifted back. My childhood was over.”


2. She was raped at 15

Demi Moore revealed in her book that she was raped when she was 15 and she moved out of her parents' home the day after her 16th birthday to move in with her guitarist boyfriend, Freddy Moore. She also dropped out of high school at this time. She was a junior at Fairfax High School in Los Angeles. 



A post shared by Demi Moore (@demimoore) on Sep 17, 2019 at 8:30am PDT

3. She got married at 17

In August 1979, three months before she turned 17, Moore met Freddy Moore, a musician 12 years older than her. He was married at the time. They met at the Los Angeles nightclub The Troubadour and lived in an apartment in West Hollywood. He eventually divorced his wife Lucy and Demi and Freddy, whose last name she's used professionally ever since, got married on February 8, 1980. Demi was 17. She filed for divorce in September 1984. The divorce was final on August 7, 1985.


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4. Bruce Willis thought her career interfered with her being a wife and mother

Moore writes about balancing her career, raising her daughters and her marriages — including her years married to Bruce Willis. Demi and Bruce were married from 1987 to 2000. Demi wrote that Willis thought Demi's acting career took time away from their family. At the time, Demi's career was hot — she appeared in Ghost, A Few Good Men and Indecent Proposal while she was married to Willis. He also repeatedly told her he wasn't sure he even wanted to be married. Demi and Bruce have three daughters: Rumer, 31, Scout 28, and Tallulah Belle, 25. 

5. She miscarried a baby when she was with Ashton Kutcher

Demi Moore started dating Ashton Kutcher, who was 15 years younger than her, in 2003. She wrote that their relationship felt like “a do-over, like I could just go back in time and experience what it was like to be young, with him — much more so than I’d ever been able to experience it when I was actually in my twenties.” She also revealed she got pregnant not long after she and Kutcher started dating. She miscarried the child six months into her pregnancy. It was a girl who she planned to name Chaplin Ray. Moore and Kutcher married in 2005 and divorced in 2011. 



A post shared by Demi Moore (@demimoore) on Sep 12, 2019 at 9:46am PDT

6. Vicodin addiction

Moore wrote that she blamed herself for the miscarriage. She started drinking again. Moore and Kutcher pursued fertility treatments after they got married, hoping to get pregnant again. Moore was in her early 40s. Her drinking worsened and she started abusing vicodin. 


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7. Ashton cheated on her

In the midst of all the turmoil, Demi learned that Ashton Kutcher had cheated on her. According to Us Weekly, Ashton isn't mad about what she shares in her memoir. A source said:“Ashton knew what was coming. He had a heads-up on what is in the book. He’s not mad or disappointed. This is Demi’s truth, and he always felt sympathetic toward her.” Well that doesn't sound like Ashton is trying to deny those cheating allegations!

Amy Lamare is a Los Angeles based writer and editor covering entertainment, pop culture, beauty, fashion, fitness, technology, and the intersection of technology, business, and philanthropy. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook.
