How To Make Friends In A New City

Adjusting to a new city is hard, but finding new friends doesn't have to be.

The Best Way To Make Friends In A New City getty

Whether moving to a new city for a career, partner, change of pace, or to be closer to family, there's a stigma that comes with the idea of making friends as an adult. While intimidating (and seemingly impossible), making friends after college can be not only easier than imagined, but fun!

Read on as we share some of the best secrets of how to make friends in a new city and develop life-long friendships, even as an adult. 


RELATED: 7 Best Habits Of People Who Make Friends Easily

1. Go to game watches.

If you're someone who's originally from a different city or went to a university that has a sports team, find the local affiliate bar or game watch. Often times these are a sure way to bump into someone who shares a common interest with you (as you're both rooting for the same team).

Additionally, this is a great excuse to remove any awkwardness attached with meeting new friends, since there's a beverage in your hand and a game to distract you. 

2. Attend alumni events.

Let's say you like the idea of meeting up with people from your university, but there might not be a game watch for their program (or you just don't like sports). That's okay.


It's likely that your school has an alumni network right there in your city, and they meet every so often for book clubs, pot lucks, or even renting a boat for the weekend (yes, this does actually happen). To find out about the alumni network in your city, try a single Google or Facebook search and see what shows up. 

3. Join a club or intramural sport.

You have all this energy, and the idea of meeting someone at a networking event or a bar isn't your speed, try joining a club or intramural sports team. Unlike sharing a hometown or university logo with your new potential friends, you share something (potentially) much stronger: a passion or hobby.

Many cities around the country offer a wide variety of clubs to partake in, whether a running club, a religious organization, or even a special group who enjoys brewery hopping. There's an option for everybody!

RELATED: How To Make Friends As An Adult (Without Being Weird Or Clingy)


4. Get on an app.

Working the room can be intimidating and tricky for some, and that's completely normal. Luckily, there's a more direct and personal way to make friends in a new city, and it's a swiping app.

Yes, just like Tinder and Hinge, an app has addressed the lacking number of adult friends in cities and has found a solution. On Bumble, users can decide whether they'd like to meet friends or meet a dating partner. The alternate friend path is called Bumble BFF and has been proven as a very successful tool for those looking to make friends in a new city. 

5. Take advantage of community events.

Whether your workplace, residential building, or fitness gym is putting on a get-together or gathering, just go!

No, it may not be the place where you feel completely comfortable and get along with everyone (as there aren't guaranteed similarities with a large group of people), but you never know. You may just meet one person you click with


6. Post on social media.

And we're not just saying to put a friendship 411 out there on Facebook. We're simply telling you that social media can be a helpful tool in finding out who lives in the area.

You may have friends you fell out of touch with who now reside in your new zipcode. A sample social post can read as follows: "Hey Everyone! I'm new to the XYZ area and was looking for amazing recommendations on where to live, go out, and XYZ hobby. Let me know if you're in the area or know anyone who may be."

By asking for recommendations, you're opening up yourself to both gain insight and connect (or reconnect) with people in your city. 


RELATED: 9 Unexpected Things That Happened When I Used Bumble BFF To Make Friends

Elizabeth Blasi is a New Yorker. A lifestyle & travel writer, who is often seen with a suitcase in hand, jetsetting to her next location. But as a true Digital Nomad, her love of writing and romance novels means her laptop is always beside her.