11 Phrases Guys Say When They Really Like You

It means more than you think.

11 Phrases Men Say When They're Really Into You Getty

Want to know if a guy is into you? Pay attention to the phrases he uses. Guys are often knocked for being non-verbal about their emotions. But, it turns out that they’re saying a whole lot if you know what to listen for.

When he says things like “I can help you with that,” it actually goes way deeper than lending a helping hand. In fact, offering to help you with something can mean a guy is SERIOUSLY into you. A few words can mean much more than you think, so it’s super useful to be in-the-know.


In this video, we dissect common phrases that guys say, and tell you what they REALLY mean.

With this little cheat sheet, understanding men will become a whole lot easier.

RELATED: If He Does These 10 Things, He's Completely In Love With You

Say good-bye to the days of over analyzing everything your dude says. Now, you’ll know for sure.

Here are 11 phrases guys say when they’re really into you, so you won’t have to wonder.

Whoa. Who would have thought that a guy stressing about what you've been up to means he really digs you? Or that attempting to solve your problems doesn't mean hes's not listening but just wants you to be happier?
