20 Of The Best Memes & Tweets About National Donut Day — Plus Where To Score A Free Donut!

Diet? I donut know what you're talking about.

When Is National Donut Day? The 20 Best Memes, Tweets & GIFs, Plus Where To Get Free Donuts getty

Donut lovers, get ready! It’s National Donut Day and we’ve got the scoop on the best funny memes, tweets and GIFs celebrating this glorious day, plus details on where and how to get free donuts.

Before I let you in on the donut hotspots, let me clear up a common misconception. Donut AND doughnut are both acceptable, so stop arguing over the correct spelling and enjoy the day.

Now that that’s out of the way, if you’re looking for a freebie there are three places out there offering free donuts nationwide.


First off, Dunkin Donuts is participating this year by giving away a free donut with the purchase of a beverage. They know that coffee and donuts just go together.

Next on the list is Krispy Kreme. Head to your nearest KK for some free hot breakfast cakes and enjoy the glazed goodness they have to offer.


RELATED: 17 Reasons My Donut Is Better Than Your Boyfriend

And lastly, Walmart has decided to join in on the fun. The supercenter is giving away glazed donuts all day!

Don’t forget to check your local bakeries and donuts shops for deals, too!

Diet, RIP. I’m heading to the nearest donut joint.


If you’re trying to be good and stick to your diet (go you, I caved) check out these 20 of the best memes, tweets and reactions to National Donut Day so you can satisfy your sweet tooth without indulging.

1. Did anyone else wake up this excited?

"When you find out it's #NationalDonutDay"



2. Shame on you.

"There are people out there who don't think it's necessary to bring donuts into the office for #NationalDonutDay and we have one question: How dare you!?"


3. No regrets.



"I regret nothing."


4. No calories, no problem.

"First rule of #NationalDonutDay : Donut Holes have no calories. You can eat as many as you want."


5. Cops are winning National Donut Day.




6. Not great...


"'So, how's your diet going?' Me:"​


7. She has a point…

"It's officially Pride Month AND #NationalDonutDay so the gays own donuts now"



8. When your best friend catches you sneaking a donut today but you're on  diet.


9. Duh.

"@dunkindonuts this morning, 'And would you like a free doughnut with your coffee?'
Me: 'Is that a trick question?'"



10. No one goes harder than cops on National Donut Day.

"Gearing up for #NationalDonutDay"


RELATED: The $150 Tequila-Covered Donut Has Arrived Because Life Is Amazing


11. Love at first sight.



"Beauty really does come in all shapes and sizes..."


12. #NationalEnergyRingDay

"We prefer to call them energy rings...but donuts will also be acceptable. Happy #NationalDonutDay" 


13. They're not wrong.



"Donut Fact #18: Donuts are healthier than Crystal Meth."


14. Enjoy the ones you like, hate on the ones you don't.

"Happy #NationalDonutDay! Today we indulge with our favourite donuts and raise awareness for the fact that sprinkle donuts suck."


15. Oops.



"Just one bite..."


16. You mean a day, right?

"Americans eat on average 31 donuts a year...welp, I'm finally above average on something!"


17. I can dream, right?



"One day I want someone to look at me and say, 'that's her. She's the one.' and not follow it with 'who ate the doughnuts."


18. A fact.


"I choked on a carrot this afternoon and all I could think was 'I bet a donut wouldn't have done this to me.'"


19. Completely justifiable.

"I’ve already fired two people for not bringing donuts to work for #NationalDonutDay2018 Granted I have no authority to fire anyone, but this was justified."



20. A great plan.

"I’m going to be collecting donuts today like Infinity Stones
Next Krispy Kreme"


RELATED: Donut Ice Cream Cones Are Proof That God Loves Us And Wants Us Happy


Sarah Gangraw is a travel-addicted cat lady who lives on black coffee and cheese. She went to college in Australia, graduated from the University of Central Florida, and writes about all things news and crime. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter — she's occasionally funny.
