5 Ways The Foods You Eat Can Prevent Serious Problems In Your Digestive System

These sneaky bad habits may be leading to a lifetime of discomfort and even disease.

Prevent Serious Stomach Problems with the right foods getty

There are many reasons for digestive system disorders. Sometimes it might be restricted only to the digestive system, but other times it can be symptoms of different systemic problems.

Some of these disorders may have various causes and also a great variety of symptoms. Additionally, many of these might affect different sections of your digestive system.

A variety of factors may be the reason for digestive diseases.


Often it might be common like a lactase deficiency, inflammation, a viral infection, or bacterial infection. Common digestive disorders also include difficulty in digesting specific foods as well as have a circulation that is poor which can be due to different organs or the intestines.

Additionally, it might also be caused by perforated or ruptured organs, stress, gallstones, muscle dysfunction, or the side effects of anti-inflammatory medication. 

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Here are 6 common or serious and long-lasting stomach disorders:


1. Parasites, bacterial, or viral infections

Generally, these invade your digestive system through contact with germs from stools that are infected or surfaces that are contaminated. One can also get it through drinking or eating food and water that might be infected.

The rotavirus, cholera, Escherichia, and Salmonella are all due to and can lead to bacterial infections.

However, stomach flu or gastroenteritis is generally caused by parasites, bacteria, and viruses.

Acute diarrhea is one of the symptoms that is very common for all these conditions and more. Normally, antibiotics are used for treating parasitic and bacterial infections, yet, it won’t work for viral infections. The biggest danger that accompanies acute diarrhea is dehydration, specifically among children that are young.


2. Auto-immune and inflammation diseases

These are disorders where your immune system will harm and attack the tissues of your own body, and may involve any area of your digestive system.

Some of these kinds of diseases affecting your digestive tract can include scleroderma, Sjorgren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Furthermore, it can relate to different problems with your gastrointestinal.

3. Structural causes

Any structural abnormalities within your digestive system can hamper its workings. Typically, this can be seen in cases where pouches develop inside someone’s intestines that have diverticulosis.

Additionally, ulcers in your intestines or the lining of your stomach, as well as cancerous tumors can influence it.


4. Choices of your lifestyle

High constant levels of stress, drinking, too little exercise, and smoking may all affect your system.

Even though it’s very difficult to isolate what exactly might be the cause, it is said that healthy diets and lifestyle choices could relieve frequency and severity of disorder episodes.

5. Genetic causes

It’s possible that you may inherit some of these digestive diseases. A disease that can be inherited is such as celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, hypothyroidism, and pancreatic cancer.

It is also said that one could inherit type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, colon cancer, as well as certain liver diseases. 

6. Aging

Your gastrointestinal system, unfortunately, will also age with the body. As a result of aging one may develop diverticular diseases, motility gets affected, reflux worsens, taste can be affected, and saliva decreases, etc.


It’s also important to understand that risks to develop specific cancers may increase as well. Therefore, you should contact a doctor when you develop symptoms that are new.

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To prevent these diseases and keep a smooth operation running, here are 5 possible solutions: 

1. Follow your intestinal tract’s pace.

By rushing your meal, you are not in sync with your gut’s creeping pace and could cause damage. Therefore, you should savor the meal. Allow it to pass at its own pace through body. Take in the aroma and sight of the food, digesting slower.

This is necessary to jumpstart your digestive processing as you are signaling salivary glands and the stomach to secrete chemicals for breaking down your food.


Ensure all food is chewed well to assist the digestive system with breaking them down. By eating slowly, you can decrease the risk of gulping air that may cause bloating, gas, and irritability. 

2. The residents in the stomach should be nurtured.

Bacteria that are gut-friendly normally uses indigestible carbohydrate known as fiber for their main source of food. This means you should eat sufficient amounts of vegetables, fruits, as well as whole grains like whole wheat, barley, and oats to feed the good bacteria.

Fiber can aid your waste and the food’s passage through your stomach. Intake of fiber must be increased slowly, otherwise, it might lead to bloating and gas.

3. Avoid foods which may trigger digestive problems.

Common foods that can cause heartburn may include onions, sweets like chocolate, carbonated or caffeinated drinks, plus fatty, acidic, and spicy foods.


Foods that are notorious producers of gas might include onions, beans, plus cruciferous vegetables, such as radishes, cauliflower, and cabbage. These vegetables generally have a lot of nutrients that are vital; therefore, you should not cut it out totally, just consume smaller amounts.

This will also go for low-carb packed treats or different foods with artificial sweeteners, specifically Sorbitol sweetener.

4. Lose weight by eating less and exercise more.

Anyone that suffers from a weight condition is at a higher risk to develop problems with their digestive system. Regular moderate exercises and activities daily for about twenty minutes can alleviate pains in the stomach caused by gas and bloating.

5. Decrease foods with bad fat.

This can be excellent especially if you suffer from heartburn. Try to cut down on whole-milk products and marbled meats. Bad fat will soften the muscles of your sphincter, which can close your esophagus’ lower part and cause acids in the stomach to push back up.


If you notice changes in your digestive health, it is best to contact your doctor and be sure of the cause.

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Emma Kalman is a professional writer, researcher, poet, wellness coach and editor with a passion for life and all it holds.