17 Of The BEST Sean Spicer Hiding In Bushes Memes The Internet BLESSED Us With Today

This is real life, folks!

17 Memes Of Sean Spicer Hiding In A Bush From The Press Twitter

What I'm about to tell you is not an alternative fact.

What I'm about to tell you is not fake news.

Are you ready for a hilarious truth bomb?

Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary, hid in the bushes from reporters.

I know. Take a minute with that.

The man who played the White House Easter Bunny a few years ago and is now the mouth piece for President Donald Trump HID IN THE BUSHES BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO TALK TO THE PRESS. 


Talking to the press is LITERALLY in his job title.

To be fair though, it wasn't only him.

According to The Washington Post, he and his staff hid behind a tall hedge to evade reporters wanting answers about the sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey.

In what everyone is calling a political explosion, Donald Trump fired James Comey on Tuesday.

Does his name ring a bell? Probably because he is ... or was ... the head of the investigation between possible ties Donald Trump's campaign had with Russia.

Nothing suspicious about that at all, am I right?

But let's get back to Spicey.

Because it doesn't just end with him hiding behind a hedge.


After a few minutes and probably several mosquito bites, Janet Montesi, an executive assistant in the press office came out from behind the bush to speak to the growing masses of reporters.

She explained that Sean Spicer would answer some questions as long as he wasn't being filmed.

Of course, because his good side only shows between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. EST in the West Wing of The White House and only on days that begin with M or T.

“Just turn the lights off. Turn the lights off. We'll take care of this ... Can you just turn that light off?”

Though it sounds like the beginning of a romantic novel turned movie starring Bradley Cooper, it's actually the words uttered by Sean Spicer after emerging from the bush.


This is real life now.

We live in an actual Saturday Night Live skit.

With that said, the best part of the current administration is the memes that are produced because of them!

And the internet did NOT disappoint when it came to good ol' Sean Spicer.

Here are some of my favorite tweets and memes!

1. This is what true love is really like.

"Find someone who will treat you the way a protective bush treats Sean Spicer."


2. Yikes, but probably true?

"Sean Spicer hid behind a bush to avoid reporters after Comey firing. That spot is usually reserved for Melania avoiding Trump."

3. Peek-A-Boo!


"Sean Spicer hiding behind a bush from White House reporters will forever be funny."

4. That's creepy!

"Sean Spicer hiding in a bush at the White House? America, you have a problem!"


5. Homer for the win!

"LOL at Sean Spicer literally doing the Homer Simpson bush meme."

6. Burn!

*Sean Spicer hides in bushes to avoid media questions*


Jeb Bush: Ow!

W Bush: heck of a job, Spicy!

Billy Bush: did Trump grope you too?

7. OK, who broke wind?

"Sean Spicer leading a WH press conference."

8. I can't believe I actually miss George Bush.


"Spicy hides from reporters in WH bushes. Don't know why he didn't just pull out the ol' disguise."

9. Knock Knock? Anybody home?

"Live look at Sean Spicer practicing today's briefing entrance."


10. See? TV teaches you things!

"Wonder where @SeanSpicer got the idea for bush cover? Oh ... "

11. Oh, I can't wait!

"We all need to thank Sean Spicer for hiding in a bush. He is about to give us a memorable SNL moment this Saturday because of it."


12. Poor Spicey.

"In my darkest hours I'm going to think of Sean Spicer hiding in a bush and that will be the light that gets me through."

13. I think we need more than just a second.


"Can we all just take a second to appreciate the fact that Sean Spicer was hiding in a bush. a grown man. hiding. in a bush.

14. This is just the gift that keeps on giving.

"A Sean Spicer in the Bush is worth two in the Hand."


15. Sad!

"SNL doesn't need to write sketches anymore; they just need to reenact scenes from Sean Spicer's hilarious sad life. Who hides in a bush?"



"So who's going to come through with the video of Sean Spicer's voice coming from a bush in the dark?"

17. Truth!

"Famous people who have hidden behind a bush:


Karl Rove (George W.)

Trump (Billy Bush)

Spean Spicer (White House Lawn)"