You Can Calm Your Brain With Reiki!

Do you want to feel energetic and balanced? Experience Reiki, to find clarity, and rejuvenation!


The illusive nature of the brain has kept scientist and philosophers frustrated, curious and pondering for centuries. There was a time not long ago when we could only guess what might be going on in the master organ inside of your head.

The science of the brain is exponentially growing for the first time in recent history. Technology, through the use of PET scans and MRI machines has catapulted the findings providing discoveries and fascinating insights Neuroscience research has created expansive opportunities for learning the extraordinary capabilities of your brain. The magnificent human brain, rich in complexity, will continue to teach us for years to come.


Some facts to consider:

  • We generate new neurons throughout our lifetime, which is a relatively new finding in the field of neuroscience. The study of this phenomenon is called neurogenesis. We once believed we only had a certain finite number of brain cells. What an exciting discovery this is to behold!
  • The brain produces chemicals and hormones that can either calm or agitate both the brain and the body, depending on the incoming data and experience along with several other factors.
  • Cortisol, a stress hormone that our body produces, is not healthy for our brains in high dosages.

Becoming familiar with the inner workings and function of the following parts of the brain can begin the exciting conversation about how Reiki is undeniably a brain calming practice.


Reiki is a brain friendly for many reasons. The first amongst many is the importance of tender loving touch and the presence of another caring person from the perspective of the brain. Neuroscience research now provides exciting discoveries on the impact which sensory practices like Reiki can have on the brain and its many needs. Although Reiki can be transmitted with or without touch, for the purpose of this conversation I will be discussing the style of Reiki that uses touch.  

For this reason and many others, frequent Reiki sessions can change the brain! The brain loves repetition. When an activity is performed over and over the neuro-transmitters that wire together become stronger. Similar to what research has shown about meditation practices impacting the brain, regular Reiki sessions can create new and powerful wiring in the brain pathways.

How exciting that the next time you are giving a Reiki session or receiving a Reiki session you can think of it in a whole new brain friendly way. Reiki and the beautiful energy it provides will allow your cortex to relax and calm your mind, your limbic system will feel loved, your midbrain will delight in all its senses, your brainstem will regulate your automatic systems, your hippocampus will make new healthy memories and your amygdala may get hijacked less often!

Do you want to feel energetic and balanced? Life is full of possibilities, and you deserve to be free of pain, well rested, and joy-filled. Maybe it has been a long time since you gave yourself an opportunity to rest from the demands and hectic pace of everyday life. Feeling energized and connected is an amazing holistic experience that everyone should enjoy and the practitioners at Reiki Melody work to make that happen. Each day we give our clients powerful results.  Experience Reiki & Bio Energy healing, and give yourself the benefits of clarity, and rejuvenation.


For more information on Reiki, visit my website at