Grilled Cheese Tacos Are A Real Thing And You Might Fall In Love With Them

We know you're salivating.

Taco that uses a grilled cheese instead of a tortilla. instagram

What do you get when you combine the yummy, gooey grilled cheese sandwich with the simple perfection that's a taco? The world's most perfect food mashup.

The Food in my Beard's Dan Whalen is a culinary mashup genius, especially with his creation of the grilled cheese taco. There's a reason his Snapchat (tfimb) was named one of the best 14 Snapchats to follow — he seems to have an uncanny ability to put favorite foods together with incredible results.


"The taste is as you would expect," Whalen told Mashable. "The flavors of a grilled cheese and a taco in one, but it creates something greater than the sum of its parts because of the crazy way it looks and the texture when ground beef starts to soak into the bread. The crisp lettuce and fresh pico is also important to balance out the heavy bread cheese and meat."

Is your mouth watering yet?

Photo: Instagram


"For the inspiration of this recipe, I thought of what would happen if I made a grilled cheese by slicing a loaf of bread the long way and ended up with a really long grilled cheese," Whalen said. "Then I thought about what I could do with such a long grilled cheese, and tacos were one of the first things that came to mind."

Of course, because that's how creative geniuses think — a series of small steps lead to incredible inspiration.

The secret to a grilled cheese taco is how the bread is sliced. You need to use a loaf of Italian bread and slice it diagonally, making sure each slice is cut at an angle.

Photo: The Food in My Beard


Once the grilled cheese sandwiches are made, you turn them into shells, fill them as you would your favorite taco, and get ready to chow down on some deliciousness.

Photo: Instagram

For step-by-step directions for making the grilled cheese taco, and for more of Whalen's incredible and delectable creations (like pieroganoff — pierogi plus Stroganoff; and French onion soup dumplings), head over to his blog, The Food in my Beard. You won't be disappointed.
