Watch This Man Lengthen His Penis Using An At-Home Stretching Device

This doesn't look ridiculous AT ALL.

penis stretching device YouTube

Ah, men and their penises. It's stunning the lengths that some men will go to have larger penises, and the male-enhancement business is growing.

Some use extenders and pumps, while others use more hands-on techniques like Jelqing (stroking and squeezing the penis to get blood flowing, while e at the same time).

But the man in this video is using a shaft-stretcher from Still-On Systems to add length and width to his penis. And he definitely seems to be enjoying himself. His shaft-stretcher penis swings along to the music. Is he dreaming of having the world's largest penis?


On their website, Still-On System say that their product can do the following for you:

  • Add length
  • Add circumference
  • Correct and straighten Peyronie's Disease and penile curvature

Check out the video below of this man swinging his dick with purpose. It's proof that you can achieve almost anything if you believe strongly enough. Let's hope this guy's dream of a larger dick comes true. Grow, little peen, grow.

